
Error message: undefined property

By Claudia Schreiber, 5 years ago. Last reply by Claudia Schreiber, 5 years ago
Hi guys, since a couple of days, I get the following error message: PHP Notice: Undefined property: WP_Screen::$is_block_editor in /homepages/xx/dxxxxxx/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/siteorigin-panels/inc/admin.php on line 118 WordPress version 4.9.9, no pending updates. I saw that this had already been posted, but without a solution :( Greets, Claudia

Logo disappears when scrolled originally posted

By Claudia Schreiber, 5 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 5 years ago
Hi guys, I have the same issue as what Joe Smith posted lately. Logo disappears while scrolling down (Theme Settings > Navigation > Sticky menu scales logo). It happens with different browsers, but apparently only on desktop computers – mobile seems to be fine. As I don’t see an answer on the original post, I…

Display taxonomy-tag archive for jetpack portfolio in a grid

By Claudia Schreiber, 7 years ago. Last reply by Claudia Schreiber, 7 years ago
I’m using your theme “North” with the great page builder-widget bundle (thanks for this!), which I do like except for the fact that there is no portfolio option ;). After days (and nights), I finally managed to set up a “taxonomy-jetpack-portfolio-tag.php”. I even managed to display only the featured image and the title on the…

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