
Changed theme to debug and lost sidebar

By patbell101, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Some time ago SO support helped me with the CSS to create a sidebar menu on https://gite-aufray.com Whilst debugging a problem with the Jetpack cookie banner (couldn’t dismiss it) I swapped from Vantage to twentytwenty (where I still couldn’t dismiss it). reactivated Vantage and lost certain settings such that I no longer have a sidebar.…

Cannot existing siteorigin pages

By patbell101, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Instead of loading the SiteOrigin pagebuilder page (as when developed) I get the view/text/pagebuilder tabs and if I click the pagebuilder tab, it asks if I want to copy the text but it does not do so successfully. I do have “Default To Page Builder Interface check box set as I do “”Use Classic Editor…

panel-widget-style style

By patbell101, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
I am using the SO editor widget in a row and the font seems to be inherited from an so setting I don’t see anywhere. I could change the local font color for that specific text in the editor widget but for future reference, is there some global setting I have missed somewhere for the…

How to set editor widget background to nil

By patbell101, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
I have set my edito background widget to green http://aubergetilleuls.com/things-to-do/ and to white http://aubergetilleuls.com/accommodation when I needed to leave it alone http://aubergetilleuls.com/home How can I set the background to nil (and allow the theme to control it)? Thanks for a really cool and really functional plugin

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