
Logo in menu, make changes to sticky menu

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by thabasti, 8 years ago
Hi, I have made som CSS changes to this site, including adding more padding to the logo, and border bootom to the menu. This works nicely. Is it possible to have a different logo padding when the menu is sticky? Say for instance, normal menu padding top/bottom 22px and then sticky menu padding top/bottom 12px?…

Display post date only on certain categories

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
I am building a site, where the main menu contains links to different post categories. If possible, I would like to be able to show post date with every article in one category, and no post date in posts in another category. Both on the archive pages and on single post pages. Is that possible?…

Format social icons after localization

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Daniel, 9 years ago
Hi, Can you help with formatting the space between social icons after they have been localized to danish text? The icons are now overlapping each other, please help with some custom CSS to make space for the longer words. See URL. Thanks in advance. Best, HC URL: http://wptest01.zkagen-marketing.dk/nyhed-fire-er-super-fantastisk/

Stretch single page width to 1280px

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Braam Genis, 9 years ago
Hi, Page width is 1080px, and I would like to be able to embed a youtube video at 1280px. Is it possible to stretch the page width on just this page? (see example) If I choose Row styles > Full width stretched – the youtube video gets stretched all the way, and I don’t want…

Remove widgets

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Greg Priday, 9 years ago
Hi, Just want to tidy up the widget area, which are done nicely with the WP-CMS Widget Control plugin. WP-CMS Widget Control The Siteorigin widgets also shows up in this plugin, and I am able to hide them in the widgets area, however they do still show up in PageBuilder > Add New Widget. Is…

History browser

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by zkagen, 9 years ago
I have a question about PB history browser. On all of my test installations, nothing shows up in the history tab, even though I know there have been lots of changes to that page. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lax7j5wov2hnvpt/page-builder-history.jpg?dl=0 Any idea why? URL: http://wptest01.zkagen-marketing.dk/

Image shadow on specific image

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I have been trying to make an image shadow on a specific image, but can’t seem to get it to work. Can you please help? See URL, is it possible to make a shadow on only one of the images ? URL: http://wptest01.zkagen-marketing.dk/

Customizing current menu item css

By zkagen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I am fully aware that it is possible to highlight the current menu item within the settings of the Vantage theme, however, I would like to be able to control it manual via CSS. I have tried this code, but it seems not to work: What am I doing wrong here? URL: http://wptest01.zkagen-marketing.dk/

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