Enabling lightbox on SiteOrigin Image?

By Gerard van Schip, 6 years ago
Been playing with the plugin for a bit now, learning how it works. Noticed that the lightbox feature does not work when I add images to a post using the widget from the plugin. I thought maybe I had to link it to the original, like with the default wordpress behaviour but that just throws…

Hero Widget not working since last update

By Ray Migge, 6 years ago
I have the same issue that MichelleEdwards posted about 3 days ago with the same title. I am using SiteOrigin on 5 page overall – since the update one of them doesn’t display any hero sliders anymore. Wierd enough, the other 4 pages do, although they have the exact same setup. I have tried a…

How to create drop shadow on image in So Slider Widget

By stephanvorster, 6 years ago
Hi, I am trying to create a drop shadow in the SO Slider Widget but cat get it fully working. I have inserted the code: /* SO Slider Widget */ .sow-slider-base ul.sow-slider-images li.sow-slider-image .sow-slider-image-container .sow-slider-image-wrapper { box-shadow: rgba(20, 20, 20, 1) 0px 0px 10px 0px; } But that only gives a shadow on the sides…

Change ‘submit button’ text to lowercase?

How can I change the submit button text on the site origin form, from uppercase to lowercase? It’s on this page: http://newsite.advswimschool.co.uk/?page_id=180 There’s nothing in the settings section. I’m still learning how to use WordPress so my knowledge of CSS is fairly limited but I did try looking for the button in the site inspector…

Hello everyone I need advice(help).

By cikavuve, 6 years ago
Hello guys I’m new to building site with wordpress(actually first time doing it) and I cannot find solution to one of my problems. Problem is that when I use page builder hero widget for example I have 3 cells in one row and all of them are hero widgets, when i add text my page…

Website width problem!

Ever since I updated SiteOrigin, when I enter Features service the website on smaller devices goes left and right. I tried disabling the feature and it works fine. I tried setting some CSS style to disable padding or margin to some elements, but nothing works. The link to my website is: http://onepage.42studios.mk/. Try to resize…