More column responsive

By stecco, 8 years ago. Last reply by stecco, 8 years ago
Html in a responsive way; there are 2 columns and, for each, 4 other columns (icon written icon icon (sometime this ; what I would like to obtain is: in the main column, keep the 4 field in the same line also when I watch it on a mobile.

whole setup on all pages dissapeared

By Martin Leclercq, 8 years ago. Last reply by Martin Leclercq, 8 years ago
Hello, I’m build press theme. All of a sudden my whole setup had disappeared. All content is still there but it’s changed in the admin from ‘PageBuilder’ to text. HELP!! I don’t know how to change it back. How is this possible?? Please help me. site is: with regards, Martin Leclercq The Netherlands /…