
Adding code to all the pages

By fiorita, 8 years ago
Hi, I am using Vantage theme and would like to add some code to all pages and posts (google website translate) and, if necesssary, remove it later. Is there a way to do so without installing third parties plugin? Or maybe you could recommend a plugin that easily add the google web translate feature. Many…

Visual editor background image.

By Kren Castro, 8 years ago
Hello, Is there anyway to control the zoom on the background images of the header? I would like to add an image without the widgets zooming in to the center and cutting out everything else. Should I be using a separate widget for that? If so, any you guys recommend?

Pagination on post loop widget no longer working

By Chris Hayes, 8 years ago
I am administering a site (diylowell.org) running Vantage with some modifications in a child theme, including a few custom templates that show a custom post type (“idea”). I have a number of plug-ins to allow users to register and submit posts of this custom type from the front page. There are a number of pages…

Page Builder rows/columns not working

By Robin_W, 8 years ago
Hey guys, at first thank you for reading this/helping me. As i updated Page Builder to the newest version today, the sites aren’t displayed probably on the front end. Like Page Builder doesnt care anymore about the rows/columns i defined in the editor (where everything is correct). Example Site: wpsite.itcreate.de Glad you can help me.…

Cannot find Embedded Video (PB) in Widgets Bundle

By DonP, 8 years ago
Dear Support, I actually have two issues. First, as mentioned in the Subject line, I cannot find the “embedded video” widget in the widgets Bundle. I did see and activate the one called “Video Player”, but when I attempted to preview the youtube video I am trying to insert in my post, all I got…

SiteOrigin CSS Error

By Michael Childs, 8 years ago
Hi I am getting the error on the SiteOrigin CSS Editor: “”fatal error, cannot continue: null is not an object (evaluating ‘r.getLine’)” I see there is already another thread on this. I have tried disabling the plugins as suggested, but still no luck. My site hosted locally on my computer using MAMP at the moment.…

Features Widget Wrap Text ?

By Mark Deluca, 8 years ago
Hi there, I would like to tighten up the features section. It is currently going off the page, un-readable because I have longer text under each feature, which widens the whole row. If I can wrap the text under each feature, two lines, it should tighten up. You can see how small and far apart…

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