
Iframe on mobile not show.

By Warang L, 8 years ago
I embed that using an iframe on the editor widget plugin, it works perfectly on the desktop but on the mobile the iframe’s not shown . Would you please give me any suggestion? Thanks. URL: http://www.at1consulting.com/wp/?p=1121

Toothpaste Premium

By ybhs, 8 years ago
Do I must use Toothpaste Premium for have full width templates. Because I have modified theme and the page cannot full width except homepage.

Password protected pages

By shaun1733, 8 years ago
I'm new to this my first time constructing a website and I must say I'm glad I have tried it , getting hook on it Question. A password protected page , I'm trying to have a log in page for certain item , like a page only certain people can access I have placed a…

Page Builder Column Alignment & Widget Spacing

By sebastiaaano, 8 years ago
I don't know if this is peculiar to Page Builder within Themetrust's Create theme or not-but the theme is specifically designed to be used with Page Builder-a partnership I believe. Despite having the latest Create theme and Page Builder plugins I can't control space between widgets that are stacked on top of echoer.

In able to reset password at WordPress.org

By shaun1733, 8 years ago
I tried signing in at WordPress .org and the told me my password was wrong tried resetting it and the send me a new password and I put it in it says wrong password can’t email support because I need to login And can’t log in because wrong password

Page Builder requires browser refresh to see layout

By Monio Design, 8 years ago
I'm having an issue on one of the sites I'm building, something that I have seen before on other sites but never this bad. When I save a page where the layout has been done in Page Builder, it refreshes and then I just see the text view rather than the Page Builder view. This…

images filling whole page

By glitne, 8 years ago
I'm trying to make a catalogue with a lot of category pictures, but somehow i cannot make several image appear in the same row, they all fill the whole page. It seems to only be a problem with images, maps, menus etc works to have in a row, but just not images.

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