Home>Support>Cant use WP shortcode.

Cant use WP shortcode.


A have SO bundle, SO pagebuilder on Vantage theme. Then i put this basic shortcode [display-posts] in SO Tabs and also in Text widget
on my test site. But nothing happens.
Tabs screenshot

View post on imgur.com

Standart text widget to check shortcode works

View post on imgur.com

But SC dont want to work on page.

View post on imgur.com

Where is my mistake, wht can i do?

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  1. 3 years, 4 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Dans,

    The SiteOrigin Tabs isn’t able to display shortcodes in the base widget. To be able to use shortcodes you’ll need to upgrade to SiteOrigin Premium which includes an upgrade for the tabs widget which allows for shortcodes and even widgets to be added to tabs. For more information on the SiteOrign Premium Tabs addon, please click here.

    Kind regards,

  2. 3 years, 4 months ago Dans

    Ok! In a few minutes i have install Dislpay Posts plugin and it works!
    With SO Premium in Tabs can i use pagebuilder in content area to make fields with all widgets in WP? Now(without premium) it only text editor.

  3. 3 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Dans

    Thanks for the update. We’re glad to hear you’re making progress.

    With the Tabs addon activated you’ll have the option to select Layout Builder or Text. Layout Builder provides a mini-instance of Page Builder where you can insert rows, columns, and widgets.

    Here is what to expect https://imgur.com/a/XlE8DBa.

  4. 3 years, 4 months ago Dans

    Thanks a lot, Andrew!
    That is what i want!

  5. 3 years, 4 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for taking a look. If any follow-up questions arise, please, let us know.

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