
Baseline: Featuring some problems

By abladb, 7 years ago. Last reply by abladb, 7 years ago
Regarding to the responsive size of the reCaptcha container, please, do it as well as the Widget's because it gets bigger/smaller when I move the window's size. If you are 2m apart from the TV, font sizes, containers and everything is way to small.

Message after submit Contact Form

By abladb, 7 years ago
Hi guys, I can’t find where is the message displayed at your Contact Template when I submit one. I mean, I am looking for the “Thank you for contacting us”. I would like to ask you if is there a way the template recognizes the message was sent or not. I mean, if wasn’t sent…

How can I clone…

By abladb, 7 years ago
… a page from your baseline template? I have used the template for making my page, but I would like to use the original page template again. How can I do it? You give us different layouts when we try to clone one, but none of them regards to Baseline. Thank you.

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