
testimonial widget not responsive

By Barb, 8 years ago. Last reply by Barb, 8 years ago
I have the siteo rigin Testimonial widget, and I can (sort of) get it looking well in full-screen mode, but it looks ‘stupid’ in both tablet and phone views: photo size is odd; person’s name is oddly bold and large; the actual testimonial text is oddly small and top-aligned. I also have the site origin…

can I change overall theme default page layout?

By Barb, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hi! I am using the North theme and I don’t see a place where I might re-set the overall theme page layout default from it’s current ‘with sidebar’ to the one I’d prefer (‘no sidebar’). My site is content-rich, not a blog, and I have a lot of pages and a couple key plugins ……

where are the North page templates?

By Barb, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hi! I am using the North theme, and PageBuilder, and when I am updating any pages via PageBuilder, I have Page Layout options of Default, No Sidebar, Full Width, and Full Width with Sidebar. These work great in PageBuilder. However, I also am using a plugin called Memberpress, and it offers me many pages I…

want Some rows not to be full width

By Barb, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
I am using North theme, and want some of my rows to only take up the center space (e.g. like pilatesology.com site – some rows are across whole page, but things like testimonials and 3-image feature rows have very wide left and right margins). How do I make/keep some of my rows to take up…

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