Stopping Output of Row or Widget

Page Builder > Hooks> Stopping Output of Row or Widget

There are situations where you may wish to stop the output of a row or widget, and you can do this using the siteorigin_panels_output_row and siteorigin_panels_output_widget filters. While it's possible to remove them using other methods (such as filtering the panels_data array), those methods will require additional adjustments to account for Page Builder CSS to prevent ID mismatches.

Filter: siteorigin_panels_output_row

This filter has the following arguments:

  • $output controls whether to output the row. Default is true.
  • $row is the current row instance.
  • $ri is the Page Builder ID of the current row. Please note that this is a zero-based index. This means that instead of starting at 1, the first item ID is 0.
  • $post_id the post ID of the current post.

The following snippet will prevent the output of a row when the Row Label is set to test.

add_filter( 'siteorigin_panels_output_row', function( $output, $row, $ri, $panels_data, $post_id ) {
    if ( ! empty( $row['label'] ) && $row['label'] == 'test' ) {
        $output = false;

    return $output;
}, 10, 5 );

Filter: siteorigin_panels_output_widget

This filter has the following arguments:

  • $output controls whether to output the row. Default is true.
  • $widget is the current widget instance.
  • $ri is the Page Builder ID of the current row.
  • $ci is the Page Builder ID of the current cell.
  • $wi is the Page Builder ID of the current widget.
  • $panels_data the data of the currently rendering layout.
  • $post_id the post ID of the current post.

Please note that Page Builder IDs have a zero-based index. This means that instead of starting at 1, the first item is already 0.

The following snippet will prevent the output of the Archive widget.

add_filter( 'siteorigin_panels_output_widget', function( $output, $widget, $ri, $ci, $wi, $panels_data, $post_id ) {
    if ( $widget['panels_info']['panels_info'] == 'WP_Widget_Archives' ) {
        $output = false;

    return $output;
}, 10, 7 );

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