Filtering Widget Styles Based on Widget Being Edited

Page Builder > Hooks> Filtering Widget Styles Based on Widget Being Edited

As of SiteOrigin Page Builder 2.12.2, it's possible to filter the Widget Styles available on a widget by widget basis. This is done using the siteorigin_panels_widget_style_fields filter, which has an optional parameter called $args, which contains additional information about the current styles. When editing a widget, $args['widget'] will be set to the currently active Widget Class.

Due to $args['widget'] not always being present, it's recommended you check that the array key exists before using it to avoid a PHP notice.


The following snippet will remove the Widget ID field in the Attributes settings group when editing the Archives Widget.

add_filter( 'siteorigin_panels_widget_style_fields', function( $fields, $post_id, $args ) {
    if ( isset( $args['widget'] ) && $args['widget'] == 'WP_Widget_Archives' ) {
        unset( $fields['id'] );
    return $fields;
}, 10, 3 );

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