
Hello again Andrew

By Line Bygland, 8 years ago
I had to change my hard drive and lost all my emails, but I hope to find the right Andrew that helped me before. I am Line and I bought the vantage theme about a year ago.

SiteOrigin Slider Double Image Problem

By James Smith, 8 years ago
When the images appear there is a second version of the same picture behind the original picture. If I put the graphic in the front position, the first picture in the set will appear and then everything else disappears until it comes back to picture #1 again which appears, then the entire process starts over…

Border around a parallax-picture

By FiVo, 8 years ago
Hi, I’m back again. The Adam`s plugin runs good, but I got a border around the picture like this The Backround of my side is in light grey (fcfcfc) and the Adam`s plugin make a border around the picture in white (ffffff). How can I delete the border? Or make it in fcfcfc, too? I…

Image Header

By Delph Soft, 8 years ago
hi i would like to know how can i configure the image header home only in that page > rocked ????

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