
Row Id

By vinnyclores, 8 years ago
hi guys, ive created this landing page http://project-f1t.com/home-under-construction/ i want all contact and learn more links to hit this id ‘#pgc-4-6-0’ the contact form. however, when i use this link it always shoots up to the row above. http://project-f1t.com/home-under-construction/#pgc-4-6-0 any ideas why im having this reaction? cheers vince

Posts issue

By lorenzomarini, 8 years ago
If i click on the post the featured image is cut and it appears like this. I'd like to remove the featured image on the right and have the possibility to build a new layout with page builder.

Vintage Header

By pakhimal, 8 years ago
I have add body.home header#masthead hgroup { display:none; } This code in CSS my Header removed and when i remove this code from My CSS Code the is still Removed. Please tell me how can bring my header back?

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