
Text Component Problem

By Chris Blair, 8 years ago
The problem is that when I use the Text component inside a Page Builder Layout, I can only edit in Visual Mode inside the Text component. Nothing has been added to this fairly new site, no new plugins, in fact not even any new pages or content has been added.

Floating Widget Boxes

By Tony Di Benedetto, 8 years ago
On top of the Slider - I need 3 static widget boxes. These boxes will stay constant and not change during the slider rotation.

Post Carousel in the row

By Viktoriia Dykhne, 8 years ago
Hi! First of all – thanks for the plugin! But I have some questions about using it. This is my site: http://www.piupiu.hu/ I want to make all collections stand in one row with possibility to scroll, is it real to do? URL: http://www.piupiu.hu/

Contact form

By Giulio Colnaghi, 8 years ago
With CONTAC FORM I need two “Where contact emails will be delivered to”. How do I add two “contact emails”? Thank you in advance! Giulio

move images

By marcgubau, 8 years ago
I made a page using the builder adding differents files with plugins site origin image. The problem that I have is when I change something relationated with the position on ONE image, the changes appears in ALL the images with plugins site origin image.

center Vantage logo

By Smart Publishing, 8 years ago
I want that div gone so that the logo can be centered in the header/masthead 2. Make my logo stretch the full width of the masthead. 3.

SiteOrigin Editor

By PMarie, 8 years ago
It is not allowing me to see the drop downs within SiteOrigin Editor... For instance, I may want to change the font, but the drop down does not drop down. Same as all the other options such as color, font size, etc.

Page Builder Settings and User Access Control

By Sanketkumar Biswas, 8 years ago
Hello, Is it possible to achieve the below points using Page Builder: 1.) Limit row layout to 2 and 3 columns only 2.) Add and remove column ratio 3.) Widget Styles to be only accessible to users with Administrator privileges Awaiting your reply.

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