
Circle Icon: change colour of link text?

By Maurits Vande Reyde, 9 years ago
Hey, I’m trying to change the colour of the hyperlink-text (“more”) in the circle icon widget, on a specific page only. Url: http://www.gaanvoormeer.be/ , see circle icons at the bottom. Thanks! URL: http://www.gaanvoormeer.be/

Change Font Size of body among a same P line.

By Andres Straulino, 9 years ago
Hi, I’ve read and successfully change the font size of paragraphs for the whole entries, by adding following code under CSS: /* General Font Size */ .entry-content p { font-size: 16px; } And I’ve just read that you can adjust the same at widget level, but how do I do it across the same paragraph…

Pagebuilder download link error

By go seki, 9 years ago
Just quietly … pretty sure you have the wrong app linked to the download button for PageBuilder (the top of the PB page) it downloads so-css instead of so-panels. Further down the page the download button is linked correctly. BTW nice work! URL: https://siteorigin.com/page-builder/

Styling a Page

By Ирина Малькова, 9 years ago
Hi tech support ! Install the plugin Page Builder by SiteOrigin. When editing a page styles on the Layout tab I can not do full- width , because there is no choice Row Layout (standart, full width, full width stretched. I would be grateful if you tell me how to make the full width.

Change Continue Reading to Sigue leyendo (Spanish)

By Pra Del Tor, 9 years ago
I am setting up a website for a friend in Spanish country and I want to change the continue reading text in the more link to Spanish. I tried downloading this: https://siteorigin.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/vantage-child-content-single.zip Then I un-zipped the file on my desktop and opened the content-single.php with a text editor in plain text and edited line 34.…

Changing carousel widget (ajax)

By Andrej Arh, 9 years ago
I successfully changed the way carousel loads content by using siteorigin_widgets_template_file_sow-post-carousel filter. Now I would like to load the content the same way also when loaded with ajax. And here comes the part, where I am not sure if it can be done in a proper way. I could do it by changing the sow_carousel_get_next_posts_page()…

Image Widget – title text not visible

By Sheetal Gaware, 9 years ago
I am using Firefox (Mac) and the title text isn’t visible undeneath the image in the browser. I tried it in Google Chrome and it is visible only when there is no image. So I think it’s kinda hidden behind the image. How is the title text in the widget supposed to work??? Is there…

Text goes beyond border

By João Almeida, 9 years ago
Hi there, Thanks for the most useful plugin I have installed, it really gives a new life to wordpress, specially for someone who doesn’t know a lot about html, like me. I used your plugin to create a border around text and it works great on safari. However, on chrome the text sometimes goes beyond…

Update to 1.4.2 – disabled appearance functions

By Amy Jo Hawkins, 9 years ago
I just updated to the most recent version and the colors for my navigation have reverted back to the template colors. I am attempting to remove the template color and add the correct color to the stylesheet via editor but it is not working. Per the forum, to edit nav colors I should go to…

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