

By Yupik All, 9 years ago
Hello, I have Vantage Premium. I would like to add links to the pages in the footer of the page (or perhaps there is another way)? But if I add pages on the footer, then the links to the pages are not lined up horizontally (all on one line or all in one row), they…

Change text alignment in features widget

By Shelley, 9 years ago
I followed the directions from a previous thread trying to align text in the Features Widget, but it didn’t work. The default text aligns center (not sure why) and I’d like to change it to left. Below is what I did: In the Attributes Widget Class line I entered: features-widget-text Then in my CSS Style…

Incompatibility with jQeury 2.1.x ?

By Nicolas Joly, 9 years ago
Hello, I develop a theme and call jquery 2.13 with : wp_register_script(‘cbj_admin_jquery’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/framework/admin/inc/js/jquery-2.1.3.min.js’, array(‘jquery’), ‘1.0.0’, true); If i do that (set in_footer to true), the builder is not called in the WpEditor but in bottom of page. But if i set wp_register_script and $in_footer to false, it run right ?! Thank you for…

Page Builder Data doesn’t show up in HTML source

By Joren Wouters, 9 years ago
Hello everyone, I am making a theme for myself and I want to have a prebuilt layout in it. But the problem is that it isn’t showing the Page Builder Data in the HTML Source, even when I put the two lines in my wp-config,php to enable the debug mode: Does anyone know how to…

Menu bar color capacity

By Jiří Valenta, 9 years ago
Hello, I am sorry I have a question. I am using vantage premium to set-up business presentation webpage and I have problem. How do I set the color capacity in the menu bar to have it bit transparent? www.nasesusenky.eu Thanks a lot.

Add to cart button without the extra styling

By Lena Sgambati, 9 years ago
Hi there – how do i create an add to cart button without the price and the border boxes added. I’ve been using this code which i found in the help forums – [add_to_cart id = “##” ] this displays the button the price and has a horrible grey border around or [product id =…

Post carousel Widget linking to a specific post

By Herbert de Vrijer, 9 years ago
Hi, I’m using your post carousel on my homepage to show my newest blog items. But when i click on one of the items in my post carousel, it just reloades my home page. Do you maybe know how I can link it to the blog post the carousel is displaying, or maybe just my…

how to add admin login/logout link to footer?

By Rondell Shaw, 9 years ago
i am trying to add an admin login/logout link in the footer of my site code but each time i insert it in the footer.php file i get an error message on my webpage i would like to know what am i doing wrong . Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in Advance? URL: http://www.impecdigtal.com

Internet Explorer Metalisder issue…

By Carl Bullock, 9 years ago
Metaslider in Internet Explorer (v. 8.0.7601 on Windows 7 64bit) appears to be tiling images instead of stretching them? Doesn’t seem to happen in either Chrome or Firefox. Any help would be appreciated. [img]http://i.imgur.com/RJ9x4g2.jpg[/img] URL: http://iow.bcss.org.uk

Woocommerce Minimums not respected on Apple devices

By William Fitzpatrick, 9 years ago
We offer a full custom product on our site and the minimum purchase is set to 24. This works fine if I access the site from my Windows 7 laptop and try to order less than 24, I get an error message….can’t do it…all good! However, we had a customer order “2” last night from…

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