
SSL Certificate for Vantage

By Rusty Torbett, 9 years ago
Could someone, anyone, please help me with getting an SSL certificate to work with the Vantage theme? I am new to web-building in WordPress, and I have a client who is requesting this type of support for an E-Commecre site. I just about need a step-by-step guide. Anyone who can help? Thanks!

Alignment and Tags – Changes

By Creative Wolf, 9 years ago
Hi, http://bien.co.in/employer/branding-events/ – Here is my friend’s site I’m working on and I tried using Page Builder. I have 3 rows – First row is single column and 100% width with a text widget – Second row is 2 columns with 60% & 40% each – Third row is 3 columns with 37% – 37%…

Copyright Requirements

By James Mark, 9 years ago
Hello, I am a student entering a local technology fair in the website creation category. I have decided to use a pattern created by SiteOrigin’s background generator: http://bg.siteorigin.com/ However, the tech fair rules require for all third party media to be cited and have written permission from the copyright owner. This also applies to opensource…

message area full width

By Ruud de Vreugd, 9 years ago
Hi, I love the flexibility of the snapshot theme in combination with page-builder. Really a beautifull plug-in. I use the snapshot-theme with a custom homepage and a single post message page. Messages are created using the flexible layout of page builder. I disabled the side image option and set the page at full width. On…

Page Builder and next page issue

By mauroV8F5, 9 years ago
Hello, it ‘s known that the next page code to split a post in more pages, doesn’t work within Page Builder. Will be resolved this problem in the future versions? is there a workaround to do that at the moment? thank you

Ie not displaying the slider

By Michelle Cavanaugh Donn, 9 years ago
Thanks for helping. I am working with an older theme and it just needs to work as the client really will not be paying for a full make over. I have everything working but the slider in IE10+/-. At this point I would take a work around even if its a little awkward. I have…

vantage theme

By Arkadiy Sarkisov, 9 years ago
Hi need your advise. i need to attach a picture to the each sub-page as well as “Learn More” button each picture. then i need those pictures to scroll in slideshow. so my viewer could click on learn more button and be redirected to that sub-page. I’m using WP platform through bluehost.com. What theme is…

No More Post

By Azer Baycan, 9 years ago
Hello! I have problem Homepage and Categories no “More Post”. Page Navi not working. why?

Google Maps Widget

By Terrie Whisenant, 9 years ago
I’ve created a custom home page and would like the google map that I created to show on the home page and on the other pages without having to re-create it. Home page url – http://iwanttoseeitall.com/ – I have added the widget but have not entered start, end or waypoints. Blog page where the map…

Home Page Question

By JJ Dixon, 9 years ago
Is there any way to use the Custom Home Page not as a home page? I wanted to use the massive slider, the whole set up, but as a secondary page with the home page being just my logo and ‘click to enter’ set up.

How to change the Vantage footer text widget color

By Beatriz Gonzalez, 9 years ago
Hi, Congratulations for the nice vantage theme. I’d like to change the colour of the footer text but I am not sure how. I have installed the Simple Custom CSS and I guess should not be difficult with it. Can somebody help please? Thanks a lot. Beatriz

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