
Menu Issues and Home Page

By Christine01, 10 years ago. Last reply by Christine01, 10 years ago
Hi, Every time I try to add a new item on the menu the page goes white, if I refresh it removes the changes I made. Is there a limit for how many pages you can put on the menu (for the free version)? Also, the header text on my front page doesn’t show? I…

Bottom margin between objects

By Manish Shivanand, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hi I am working with site origin page builder. I want to decrease the space between two rows on page. i.e i want to bring the upper and bottom objects(widgets) closer. In firefox debug i saw inline css: bottom-margin: 30px; How do i change this to 10px Please help. Thanx

Doesn’t work – why?

By Aaron Ruven, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
I have the Page Builder plugin installed on 2 different sites/servers with WP 3.9.1. It works with the Vantage theme on one install, but on the other I have the Stitch theme and it doesn’t work. On that installation (with all other plugins de-activated) I try to add rows/columns and/or widgets to my layout and…

Background image in icon circles not showing up

By Stephen Hansen, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hi, I followed the instructions on displaying a background image inside the icon circles (set to no icon, no color, display image shortlink URL) but all I get is a circle in grey, which I guess is the standard background color. Is this option only available to premium users? Thanks in advance…

Removing ‘Responsive’ Checkbox – Not Working

By Paul Child, 10 years ago. Last reply by Greg Priday, 10 years ago
Hi there, Due to a few issues with my the mobile version of my site, my client has asked if I can make it so the mobile version behaves exactly the same as the desktop version (obviously the unavoidable inconvenience of page-width scrolling). I have deselected the ‘Responsive’ checkbox in the Pagebuilder options but having…

Font Editing

By DRM, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
I am using Vantage Premium. I am typing my text in Word, then pasting it into the Page Builder Text Widget. I am losing all of my editing features, such as bold, underline, tabs, etc. when I paste into widget. Do you have some sort of editing features for what we type in? I am…

custom circle icon blured

By Nitsuj Ffrec El, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hi, I wanted to put a custom circle icon using circle icon widget, and put my custom icon as a background image in the widget. However my custom icon is blured and I don’t know why. It’s not due to the resolution (I’ve tested with 64x64px, 256x256px and even 2048x2048px icons). www.getsharp.eu is my website.…

Freezing up and super slow

By Pat Gould, 10 years ago. Last reply by Pat Gould, 10 years ago
I’ve just installed Page Builder and watched the intro video. I started to create a new page and inserted an image. This took forever to complete, then the page just turns all gray and is frozen with no buttons active. I reloaded the page, couldn’t see the image I inserted but I thought I would…

Pitch Premium – Sprites

By Sanicté Hernández, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hi, I’ve been messing with Pitch for a bit now and just recently bought the premium version. However, I’m finding it real difficult to change the colour of the Feature icon background. When I analyze the element I get this: But there is no such png file in my web directory. It calls something from…

Forcing menu text to uppercase

By ctomesh, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Hello, I’m using Vantage Premium and would like to make my menu text and all headings uppercase by default. I just want the body text to be as typed. Any help would be great! Here’s the site – http://www.getlevi.com/

Need a Complete reset of Vantage Premium..

By GregDougherty, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
Good Afternoon, When I first got the theme I was tinkering around with the files and obviously (as I have no idea what i’m doing with this stuff) i’ve messed the files up! As you can see here (www.proleagues.co.uk) everything is all over the shop! Is there any way of completely deleting ALL of the…

Header Color

By Alex Hedge, 10 years ago. Last reply by Greg Priday, 10 years ago
I have the free version of Vantage. The banner color is white, I would like to change the color. Is there a way to do this? Or do I need to buy the pro version? I already have the site built, If I was to pay for the pro version would I have to redo…

What Happened to Current?

By Ted Usatynski, 10 years ago. Last reply by Greg Priday, 10 years ago
I purchased the Theme “Current” a few months ago and it was working fine. Now something happened and my websites/blogs are not working at all. I am angry because there is no sign of support or response from the developer Greg Priday. What is going on? Any responses would be helpful, but the lack of…

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