No address is displayed by using “SiteOrigin Icon”:
1. I’ve chosen an Icon and color
2. I’ve entered a Title
3. Icon is displayed, but no title
4. FYI: not Destination URL is required and was not fulfilled
Since the Icon is displayed very small, I tried to enlarge the Icon with the “Size”-option px, now neither the Icon nor the title is displayed.
Hi Claudia
Thanks for posting your question.
The Title field unfortunately doesn’t display a title on the site front-end. The text is used for the tooltip text to be shown when hovering over the icon.
The Size setting seems to be working normally in our testing installation. I’ve entered 100px and the selected icon is quite big. Can you perhaps share a link to the page you’re working on? We’ll take a look at your Icon and go from there.
Hi Andrew,
Sorry, for my late response.
Thank you for the information. Well I’m looking for an Icon to display information like addresses, opening hours, etc. without any need to add a link.
I’ve tested the icon again. No address was displayed by hovering over the icon.
Hi Claudia
Here is an example: https://demo.siteorigin.com/corp/sandbox/. If you hover over the icon you’ll see the default browser tooltip with the following text:
“Default browser tooltip demo.”
Here is how it looks in the Icon Widget form and on the front-end on hover:
For a stylized tooltip you can can consider the Tooltip Addon in SiteOrigin Premium, a demo using the Icon Widget can be found near the bottom of the following page: https://demo.siteorigin.com/premium/tooltip/.
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the tip to use the Premium version.
I’ve checked some Premium Addons. Am I got this right: there is also an option for Buttons I can add to a post without any required link?
Sure, the Button Widget works with the Tooltip Addon.
Page: Tooltip
If you have an active license any queries arise you’re welcome to email us at [email protected].
Hi Andrew,
I now have changed to SiteOrigin Premium.
I’ve tried the below mentioned Button Widgets and the Icon one. But with non of them I’ve got the result I was looking for. Either only the Button was displayed or a Link is required like the example under „SiteOrigin Icon“.

Do you have any advice how I can get this result without entering a link?

Hi Claudia
A quick reminder the forum is public; you’re posting at Thread: No address is displayed by using “SiteOrigin Icon”. I’ll remove your license key shortly. Kindly email our premium support desk at [email protected]. Thanks!