Home>Support>Is there a way to add button close to video?

Is there a way to add button close to video?

Hi. Is there a way to add a video and button so there is not a huge space in between them centered vertically and horizontally on the same line/box? https://www.weareinterconnected.com/
What is the best way to do this? Thanks.

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  1. 6 years, 3 months ago Michael Lanfield

    Is it also possible to have the whole top section background image to go down to the bottom of the screen every time and have the video regular size 560 x 360 px for example and when someone clicks on the video it opens to full browser screen?

  2. 6 years, 3 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Michael,

    Are you looking to add the button above or below the video or the left/right? If the former, you can add one using the SiteOrigin Editor widget or a SiteOrigin Button widget – be sure to add the button to the same row.

    If you want the button to be to the left or right, you can do this by adding the button to a different cell in the same row and then set the Page Builder Cell Vertical Alignment to center.

    Regarding your second post, yes but not with the SiteOrigin Editor widget. You can use the SiteOrigin Layout Slider or SiteOrigin Hero widget to do this. For more information, please refer to the following article: Create a Fullscreen Slider with the SiteOrigin Hero Widget.

  3. 6 years, 3 months ago Michael Lanfield

    Hi Alex. I understand how to do it all, but when I add 2 cells and put one as the video and the other as the button \(to the right of the video) there is too much gap in between the two. I will add the button to the site and you can see for yourself. Thanks.

  4. 6 years, 3 months ago Michael Lanfield

    I created it but the text and button are too far right and the video is too far left. So I would like the video which is the left cell and the right cell to be closer together. And also to have it so the text is bolder and the background image is full browser screen like in Hero. I used SiteOrigin editor for the video and the text I used SiteOrigin Headline and the button, same SiteOrigin Button. For the background I went to edit row and added background image there and selected Full Width Stretched and nothing happens.

  5. 6 years, 3 months ago Michael Lanfield

    the text also doesn’t shoe well on mobile device. I would like the text like shaded like in hero text.

  6. 6 years, 3 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Michael,

    I understand how to do it all, but when I add 2 cells and put one as the video and the other as the button \(to the right of the video) there is too much gap in between the two.

    This is due to the video and Button being sent to center align within their respective cells, rather than the entire page. You’ll want to set the video to right align and maybe even the button on the right to left align.

    As for everyone else, I’d like to help you with that, but unfortunately, this is beyond the scope of the support we’re able to offer on our free forums. There is a fair amount of custom work involved.

    We do offer this level of support to our premium users, so if you’d like to upgrade to SiteOrigin Premium, then I can help you over email support.

    If you’d prefer not to upgrade to SiteOrigin Premium, then you can hire a WordPress developer from Codeable. They’ll charge you an hourly rate for any work done.

  7. 6 years, 3 months ago Michael Lanfield

    Thank you. Yea I wish I could get premium plugin, but I cannot afford it at the moment. If I sell thousands of my books, maybe I can.

  8. 6 years, 3 months ago Michael Lanfield

    Just one small question. Aligning video to the right makes it go left to the top. here is the code I implemented.

    this code make the video go top left

  9. 6 years, 3 months ago Michael Lanfield

    I figured it out somehow. Thanks again.

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