
How to create this site?

By Michael Lanfield, 6 years ago. Last reply by Michael Lanfield, 6 years ago
Hi. My site is https://www.weareinterconnected.com and I use siteorigin builder and I am trying to recreate a site where I have several height sections on my home page. First section is the full browser height based on the users resolution of their device and it conforms to any browser height and when someone scrolls down…

Full screen image size on one Hero widget

By Michael Lanfield, 6 years ago. Last reply by Michael Lanfield, 6 years ago
I am trying to do this on my site https://www.weareinterconnected.com but I can’t seem to get it to fit full height and width of the every screen resolution. I searched the site and came upon this post https://siteorigin.com/thread/full-screen-image-size-on-one-hero-widget-or-the-whole-site/ But the image is still not full size to cover the entire browser. How to fix this?…

SiteOrigin Button – Buttons too large! Please Help

By Michael Lanfield, 9 years ago
My site is under construction so I am posting some screen shots. SiteOrigin Buttons are too large. I posted on one page 2 buttons beside each other and they look fine and they point to url links. http://tinyurl.com/o7gdkmr And what happened to the other page? What I did was copied the other page exactly.. I…

Elements on my Website Not Responsive

By Michael Lanfield, 6 years ago
Hello. First of, I think your plugin is great and will give you a great review on WordPress shortly. I have an issue with making the elements on my site responsive. First I have Shapely theme from colorlib and the theme is responsive, but they say sometimes the elements may not be. So the images,…

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