Home>Support>Button Functionality Stops When Using Header Overlap

Button Functionality Stops When Using Header Overlap

I’m using the SiteOrigin Corp theme.

I have a page that has a Siteorigin Button widget (right aligned) in the very top row of the pagebuilder.

The button displays on the right hand side under the header menu. (all good so far)

The button links to another page on my site and functions correctly.

If I enable “Header Overlap” in the page settings, the button moves to the top right of the page in line with the menu options.

Perfect, just what I want,

Except, the button functionality stops. Click doesn’t work and there’s no URL tooltip displayed on hover.

If I disable header overlap, the button moves under the menu again and starts working again.

Any ideas or am I missing something.



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  1. 5 months, 5 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Alan

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    The described is expected due to the layers involved. Overlapping is designed to move an image or background color under the menu. You could try adding a button directly to the menu as follows: Page: Menus.

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