
Post carousel not looping and duplicating content

By Stuart Johnson, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi – anyone any idea how to fix this? I had the latest posts carousel working well on post pages until today. Now it is duplicating some entries and rather than loop back to the beginning it is trying to load more (there are no more to load). You can see the issue here: http://humannaturecharity-org.stackstaging.com/editing-images-with-polarr-tutorial/

Post Carousel widget

By Stuart Johnson, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi – I added the Post Carousel block to my homepage and it works okay apart from one small issue. The first post text link works okay but the image is linking to the final post. In fact when you hover over the image you can see the final image is active. I have tried…

How do I add links to the Partner Block?

By Stuart Johnson, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi all – a small issue is driving me to distraction on a site I’m developing. I added the Partner Block widget to the homepage to display client logos. They are displaying as links but the editor only has fields for a name and and image (the name doesn’t display). Where do I add URL’s…

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