
Issue Hero font size and Autoptimize

By cuapaca, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Hi. I’ve been several hours looking for this fix and finally I give up doing so by my own. Thing is about css and Autoptimize with Hero Widget, affecting image height and font sizes Please take a look on image to see the behaviour: Wrong load Then, after reload the page it seems as expected:…

Animation -Animate it – On scroll issue with Hero Image

By cuapaca, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
Hi..As many other, im just loving Siteorigin Developments… Well, this is an issue I’ve detected before, and now take the time to ask. Starting my page with Hero Image makes the animations starts before the Image Load, so “on scroll” animations doesn’t show. Please take a look on this development URL: https://ipnetpr.com/new-home/ As you can…

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