
WooCommerce Site Wide Store Notice covering up header

By Cozy Roo, 8 years ago. Last reply by kuldeepsingh, 7 years ago
When I enable the WooCommerce site wide store notice text, the banner covers up the header. Increasing the padding in the header doesn’t solve the problem, since the elements in the header don’t get centered between the menu bar and the store notice banner, so it doesn’t look right. Is there a way to push…

Siteorigin social media icon issue

By kuldeepsingh, 7 years ago
Hello Siteorigin team, First of all congratulations for creating such a helpful CSS Editor and Live editor. I have a question about social media icon on footer contact page on my website. After every social media icon, it shows a small black colour link sign and then next social media icon. Can you please help…

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