
Gallery widget columns field problem?

By Suganya, 7 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 7 years ago
Is there any documentation for gallery widget? I gave a 5 col, but still show only 3 col. what i can give in gallery type filed? Once I can save,widget changed to SiteOrigin Editor widget, If I want to change the col field means, once again I will do the same process. Is there any…

“widget_update_callback” action is not working

By Suganya, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
Siteorigin is not happy for the following issues, 1.negative margin in measurement field: it's work fine in css, but for (e.x) I gave -40(negative) and save the value, the field will show only 40 (positive) value. 2.`in_widget_form` action is working good ,but "widget_update_callback" action is not working when rendering to update the widgets value.

Rows with only one cell don’t need gutters

By Suganya, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
Hi, In version 2.4.6 file name as “siteorigin-panels.php” and line number is 823, you remove the following line in version 2.4.8. In version 2.4.6 = Rows with only one cell don’t have any margin because this row not in the loop,But Version 2.4.8 = Rows with only one cell have a margin value because this…

Color Picker Problem

Hi, If I Go to Edit row => Design => background-color picker is not shown for latest version. Instead of color picker only show the text field. Let us know what’s the issue behind this. Regards, Suganya

Image Croping Problem

Thanks for giving me a wonderful plugin. I have faced the following image croping problem. method 1 is working perfectly, but i want to mention the size directly so i can use the method2 but method2 is not working, Is there any mistake? method1: add_image_size( ‘new_image_size’, 380, 350, true); siteorigin_widgets_get_attachment_image_src( $image, ‘new_image_size’, $image_fallback ); method2:…

Cell index problem

Before updating the plugin $panels data have a cell index value, but after update the v.2.5.0 cell index value is missing. Is there any idea to solve this problem, because my lot of site i styled like that.

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