
Post Loop Widget

By naz, 7 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
Hello For the Post Loop Widget I would like to add the code equivalent of this into the Additional field in the Build Posts Query box; I can select ‘custom_post_a’ using the Post Type drop down, but how do I add the meta_key and meta_value criteria to the Additional field I have tried the following…

4 Column Row Not Collapsing as expected

By naz, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
Hi I have a row with 4 columns all with the Editor widget, works fine on desktops and mobiles, however, on tablets the layouts collapses slightly different from expected. See the image attached to see what I mean, basically the last widget goes left instead of right, is there any way to correct this?

Prebuilt Layout Images

By naz, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hello, I am creating a pre-built layout, for normal images, hero, and sliders I can use ‘image_fallback; to add the url of the image to use. Such as ‘image’ => false, //This was a number e.g. 105 ‘image_fallback’ => plugins_url( ‘layoutslayout_1layout-1.jpg’, __FILE__ ), However for widgets like Grid Images, Parallax background and Masonry which either…

Page Builder Pre Built Layouts Bug

By naz, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hello, I am working with creating Pre Built layouts and in my WordPress config file have enabled debug mode so I can get the page layout code; define(‘SITEORIGIN_PANELS_NOCACHE’, true); define(‘SITEORIGIN_PANELS_DEV’, true); This is fine for pages and most post, but sometimes when I am editing a post the page builder data dump displays in the…

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