
Hover text on post loop slider?

By Chris Hosker O'Brien, 8 years ago. Last reply by Greg Priday, 8 years ago
I'm using the Vantage Pro theme and was wondering if on the post loop slider image, can I add text that hovers over the image. Currently I am using the post excerpt to show below the image, but would like to change it to hover text.

Ubermenu with Vantage Premiun

By Chris Hosker O'Brien, 8 years ago. Last reply by Greg Priday, 8 years ago
Was wondering if you could help me with manual integration because the menu bar, now with Uber, is contained and won’t go full-width. The site is in development and not public right now, so I wouldn’t be able to post a public URL. Is there any way to help work on this?

Galleries not responsive in Vantage

By Chris Hosker O'Brien, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
I have tried numerous gallery plugins to no avail with Vantage. The gallery columns will collapse, but images don’t resize at all, they just stay the same size then collapse. Right now I’m using Gallery Master, but all others I’ve tried have been the same story. — The slider I’m using is resizing beautifully (Master…

Question on simple slider

By Chris Hosker O'Brien, 8 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if I could customize the simple slider to be a fixed height? And possibly to have it open in a lightbox to view the full images? Thanks, Chris O’Brien

Fixed height on row or slider widget?

By Chris Hosker O'Brien, 8 years ago
I was wondering if there is a way to keep the slider widget images at a fixed height? Or make a pagebuilder row have a fixed height that the slider is in? Thanks, Chris O’Brien

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