
Back to Vintage defaults

By Toytradeadman, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I update to premium and was messing around with everything but now I want to start fresh again so do I have to uninstall the vintage theme or is there a back to default settings. I messed around with the header, made custom links pointing to the old site, threw up a meta slider…

Changing the tap’s title description of site

By Toytradeadman, 9 years ago. Last reply by Toytradeadman, 9 years ago
Hello, When I first installed wp I was going to make it for my graphic design shop but then I changed my mind so so now when you look at the site in the tab in chrome it says Graphic design shop plus the same thing for the snippet how it looks in search engines.…

Masthead image background

By David Butz, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I use the premium version of your Vantage template. All I am trying to do is set a backgeound image via the customize>page option I have an image (jpg) in my media library I select the image and then save. But after I add the image the screen just flashes and still the white…

Menu & sub on mobile devices

By Toytradeadman, 9 years ago. Last reply by Toytradeadman, 9 years ago
Hello, I saw a menu button once when I had Vantage installed as a sub directory but that I went live with a fresh install I can’t seem to get it working plus the subs work sometimes which I really need them to work so is there a sensitive setting. I’m using Vantage Premium. Thanks…

Redirect 404 Error page to home page

By Iain McMullen, 9 years ago. Last reply by Toytradeadman, 9 years ago
Hi I want to redirect traffic to my website home page instead of the 404 error page and wondered how I would go about this? I have been able to make a custom 404 page but I want to remove it completely and send visitors straight to the site’s front page. Many thanks URL: http://www.footballandthefirstworldwar.com/

creating a new page I can this message

By Toytradeadman, 9 years ago. Last reply by Toytradeadman, 9 years ago
Not sure why I keep getting this error, I’m using Vantage Premium. . Not Found The requested URL /mcpherson/test-page-1920/ was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Thanks for the help. URL: http://vintagetoyadvertisements.com/mcpherson/test-page-1920/

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