
Prebuilt Layout and Twenty Sixteen Issue

By susierita, 7 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
Hi. Have searched the forums there and at WordPress, can;t seem to find solution. Betting it is some setting overlooking… Have not used page builder in some now and decided time to give it another whirl. I have the Twenty Sixteen theme active and used a prebuilt layout. This is what I am seeing: Thought…

Demo nor metaslider going full width

By susierita, 9 years ago. Last reply by susierita, 9 years ago
Hi. Found the Vantage theme at WP and decided to try. Really like all the options, great job! Got the pro version just to try out your products as a first timer so did not donate the full $15… Maybe in future when I get one working:) But please do not take that as insult,…

Format lost when cloning

By susierita, 9 years ago
Hi. Trying to learn the powerful page builder plugin. Honestly have never seen a free plugin with so many features:) Been using another plugin from codecanyon for years, but that may just change! Anyway, to the point of this thread… When I try to use a “clone / prebuilt”, all of my rows / widgets…

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