
CSS Hero not working

By P P, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I am using the Vantage Premium theme. CSS HERO plugin was installed by this theme. It worked well in the past, but now I can not use CSS HERO. I can switch it on, but nothing happens after. Can you please check from your side. Regards, URL: http://lurkohazovoda.hu

header menu and footer

By P P, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I would like to ask your help regarding changing main header menu and footer background: I would like to use a background picture for the whole site and I would like to see this picture also behind main menu and behind footer (black background with some opacity, transparency) Can you please help me how…

Font in main menu – not google font

By P P, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi Andrew, I have opened a thread about this topic: 54925. Is better to open a new one? Because of some reasons I need to change again the menu and site titles/headers font style. The font would be “Berlin_Sans_FB_Demi”. As I have checked and these are not google fonts. Is it possible to use in…


By P P, 9 years ago. Last reply by P P, 9 years ago
Hi, I am using Vantage Premium theme and I have an issue with changing font in: -main menu and sub menu -fotter widget title I would like to use ‘Shadows into light’ font. How can I change the font color from #464646 to #ffffff in blog comment part: http://www.compleatadvice.nl/diet/hello-world/. The issue is that if I…

mobile screen issue

By P P, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I am using Vantage Premium theme and I have some issue with PB. on www.compleatadvice.nl site – home page – service section – more info button. When I check the visibility in a browser it looks ok (centered, even on narrow screen), but on mobile it looks wrong. Can you please let me know…

Font in main menu

By P P, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I would like to use ‘Shadows into light two’ as main/sub menu fonts. Would you be so kind to let me know what should I write in custom CSS. Please add some other fonts, to work if ‘Shadows into light two’ is not available. Thanks in advance. URL: http://compleatadvice.nl

PB – add a picture to be responsive

By P P, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi, I use PB (which is really a good tool) in Vantage theme and I have some issues. – http://www.compleatadvice.com/services/stress-relief/ 1, If I add a visual editor widget and I would like to add a picture and some text in the same line (box), picture will not be inserted as the original size. If I…

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