
Parallax Row

By Alyssa Alexander, 7 months ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 7 months ago
Thank you in advance for any assistance! I’m working on a page on my website I haven’t messed with in awhile. At some point it reverted to classic editor, although I swear I had used Page Builder rows/widgets when I set it up. It was probably an update, or I deactivated the plugin at one…

Masthead not resizing on mobile

By Alyssa Alexander, 2 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 2 years ago
Hi – I’m working on a website with Vantage theme and have used a masthead 1350 x 200 based on client’s preference. When I view on mobile, it does not change size at all. Do I need to add code, or is there a setting on this? On my own website, I have Sydney, and…

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