
Changing font size and color for text link

By Deborah Tobias, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
My text link was defaulting to blue with a red hover. I have no text link set to these colors in my Customize Fonts option. But I see that color it in my css file and changed it – but to no result. So I went into Custom CSS and added: This stopped the underlining…

Membership Plugin

By Deborah Tobias, 9 years ago. Last reply by Greg Priday, 9 years ago
I installed WP-Members and couldn’t get it to work. I read here that the membership plugins don’t work with PageBuilder so I deleted Page Builder and just used the Visual Editor and it is working. But WP-Members requires a person to register and get emailed a password. I want any email to allow login as…

White boxes behind text and images

By Deborah Tobias, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Oh dear. I installed Jet Pack Visibility Widget, then deactivated some unwanted JetPack plugins and now I am getting white boxes behind my text and images. Any suggestions? Did I delete something?? URL:

Remove side bar from blog page

By Daniel Rodflor, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hi! I´m a vantage theme user. I been looking to keep my widget side bar only on my store page (woocomerce), however the blog page show it by default and I can´t get rid of it, do you have a suggestion?

TinyMCE widget doesn’t appear in SiteBuilder Widgets

By Deborah Tobias, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
I want to display an image caption and am using SiteBuilder. I was told to use the TinyMCE Widget instead of SiteBuilder’s Image plugin. So far, I have installed and activated: Black Studio TinyMCE Widget TinyMCE Advanced SiteOrigins Widget Bundle TinyMCE widget only works and the caption appears if you go to Appearance/Widgets/ and slide…

Blog photos upload on iPad

By Deborah Tobias, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
I downloaded the WordPress app for IOS but it seems to want a wordpress.com login. Am using the Vantage template and client can’t uploaod photos to her blog via her iPad. Works fine on the MacBook or iMac… URL: http://geno4.com

setting background image to no-repeat

By Deborah Tobias, 10 years ago. Last reply by Deborah Tobias, 10 years ago
Been using Vantage exclusively! Thanks for a great template. Please see http://farmingfoodie.com As you can see the Page background image is repeating horizontally and vertically. I’d like to somehow set it to 100% since I’m using Full Width layout. I’ve added the following CSS: /* Set Background Image to NoRepeat */ Any suggestions? Hope next…

changing height of footer

By Deborah Tobias, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
I want a background image of sky with a hill at the bottom to work no matter how much text there is. So thinking that I can put the sky as a background image into the main page and the hill into the footer. Looked at video on changing css and see the item is:…

Text not bolding

By Deborah Tobias, 10 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 10 years ago
I’m using the Vantage template and when editing text in Visual mode, I highlight the text and click Bold but it doesn’t take. Can’t bold any text at all.

Custom CSS isn’t affecting Background

By Deborah Tobias, 10 years ago
I have a background image 1920 x1260 and want it to display just once. I entered this Custom CSS code and it has no effect on the background repeating several times vertically. I’ve tried a variety of parameters but this css code doesn’t seem to be incorporated into the template at all. Any suggestions? /*…

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