Home>Support>Unable to save Page Edits

Unable to save Page Edits


I’ve been using the PageBuilder for a while now. Starting today, when I try to edit one of my pages that is using the PageBuilder, any of my changes simply doesn’t save. Instead of redirecting to the page edit page, where you see the builder and all of your widgets, I get redirected to the front end of my site “Page not found” page, with the url of /wp-admin/post.php

I’ve been able to get some edits to “take” by doing them incrementally and in the Live Editor. But these don’t always get saved and is taking me a dozen attempts before the site will save the change.

This page is about 17 rows, each row having a Siteorigin Headline and Pagebuilder widget. Those Pagebuider widgets have 9-10 widgets each. Does the number of items eventually effect things?

The strange thing is, nothing has changed in the form of plugins, updates, etc., from yesterday, when everything was working as it always has.

Any ideas? I will start deactivating plugins, but since it’s on a live site, I need to do it when traffic will not be hitting it. BTW I am using the Corp theme.

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  1. 11 months, 7 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi, thanks for posting your question.

    The issue might be server related; perhaps larger requests are timing out. You could perhaps start by installing https://wordpress.org/plugins/server-ip-memory-usage/. The plugin will add a line to the bottom of the WordPress admin showing your server and WP PHP memory limit. If both aren’t set to 256 or higher, it might be worthwhile to set PHP memory to 256M. You can do so by editing your WordPress wp-config.php file located in your WordPress root folder on your server:

    Just above: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */. You can add:

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    The wp-config.php file can be accessed via your Hosting File Manager or an FTP client.

  2. 11 months, 7 days ago sholden

    Thanks for the reply!

    I just made that change and unfortunately I’m still getting passed to the page not found post.php page without the changes saving. It was a WP Limit of 40, but now is 256 to match.

    Memory: 19 of 256 MB (7%) | WP LIMIT: 256 MB Total Memory: 256M Used: 91.15 MB

  3. 11 months, 7 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for trying. The change was worthwhile regardless of the outcome. Please try a plugin conflict test to check for a working baseline when possible. Temporarily deactivate all plugins not authored by SiteOrigin and replicate the issue. All other plugins can be reactivated once the test has been completed. It’s a quick check to see if a baseline exists.

  4. 11 months, 7 days ago sholden

    I appreciate your time!

    I just deactivated all plugins except SiteOrigin, and was able to edit the page once, but then the same problem started again. For my test edits, I just duplicated an image widget so there would be something changing.

    Anything else you can think of?


  5. 11 months, 7 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for trying and for your feedback. You could perhaps try increasing the execution timeout in PHP. I’m not sure if that’s a user-facing setting in your hosting control panel. It is with some hosts.

  6. 11 months, 7 days ago sholden

    I’ve found the settings for max_execution_time and increased it from 60 to 360 just to see.

    Also increased max_input_time to 60, post_max_size to 128M, and upload_max_filesize to 64M jut to see if there was any improvement, and no go :(

  7. 11 months, 7 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for trying. Does the issue persist if you create a new test page and clone the issue page by clicking LayoutsClone: Pages: select the page that’s the issue.

  8. 11 months, 7 days ago sholden

    Thank you for your suggestion! I actually did not know that Clone feature was there, so that will be handy in the future.

    Unfortunately the issue does still persist on the new test page :(

  9. 11 months, 7 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    When the issue occurs, you can try checking for errors on the browser console to see if there is anything helpful there https://wordpress.org/support/article/using-your-browser-to-diagnose-javascript-errors/#step-3-diagnosis. You can also try temporarily enabling WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG in your wp-config.php file to display and log PHP errors.


  10. 11 months, 7 days ago sholden

    I tried this yesterday before posting in hopes of finding something in there. I got more results now than I did yesterday, but I don’t see anything that tips me off atleast. Here is what the browser console gives;

    post.php:1 POST …/wp-admin/post.php 404 —Edited after pasting to remove url
    post.php:2 Note: MonsterInsights does not track you as a logged-in site administrator to prevent site owners from accidentally skewing their own Google Analytics data.
    If you are testing Google Analytics code, please do so either logged out or in the private browsing/incognito mode of your web browser.
    jquery-migrate.min.js:2 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.0
    token.store.ts:34 Could not read from the localStorage. Widget can work incorrectly.
    e.getToken @ token.store.ts:34
    (anonymous) @ session.store.ts:98
    e.refreshWidget @ session.store.ts:97
    vt @ use-application-setup.tsx:377
    gt @ use-application-setup.tsx:334
    (anonymous) @ use-application-setup.tsx:338
    xe @ hooks.module.js:1
    ye @ hooks.module.js:1
    setTimeout (async)
    n @ hooks.module.js:1
    setTimeout (async)
    (anonymous) @ hooks.module.js:1
    t.diffed @ hooks.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    P @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    P @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    P @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    P @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    b @ preact.module.js:1
    A @ preact.module.js:1
    (anonymous) @ preact.module.js:1
    (anonymous) @ app.tsx:11
    Show 43 more frames

    I turned on the debug yesterday, but the only thing that was being added to the log was a cache enabler plugin error. I disabled that plugin to see if there was any effect but it still persists.


  11. 11 months, 7 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for posting your console details. I’ve asked Alex at SiteOrigin to take a look and reply when he’s next available. Sorry, I don’t have further steps to take at the moment.

  12. 11 months, 7 days ago sholden

    Sounds good! I really appreciate your time and help! And hope you have a great rest of your day!!

  13. 11 months, 6 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sholden,

    Thank you for being so thorough with your testing. Based on the provided information it’s likely the server is blocking the request. Please reach out to your hosting provider and ask if mod security or an equivalent is installed, and if it is, are you getting blocked by it?

    Hosting providers maintain a ruleset that every connection to your website is connected against. It’s very likely a new rule has been introduced that’s incorrectly flagging your attempt to save the page. These rules are basically a type of pattern and it’s possible for a rule, if it’s not specific enough, to incorrectly flag legitimate requests as invalid – this is called a false positive.

    Kind regards,

  14. 11 months, 5 days ago sholden

    Thank you for taking the time to reply!

    I just checked with my hosting provider, and mod security or an equivalent is not installed.

  15. 11 months, 3 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sholden,

    Thanks for checking. Are you using any security plugins? For example, Wordfence. Security plugins don’t need to be directly activated on your website for them to affect it. This is to say, if it’s active on one website, there’s a chance it could be affecting another site under the same account.

    Kind regards,

  16. 11 months, 2 days ago sholden

    Hi Alex,

    On this site with the issue, I currently have Wordfence and WP Hide & Security Enhancer. Other add-on domains have All-in-One-Security installed. I have disabled WordFence and WP Hide & Security Enhance to try that out too.

    I had web hosting tech support help me for a couple of hours yesterday. The worked with a user.ini file, and turned features on and off, disabled all plugins, etc., but the issue still persists.

    If it weren’t for it being on this one page, it wouldn’t be that big of deal, it just so happens to only have the issue on the page that I’m still developing content for.

    Unless there’s anything else you can think of, I may just have to wait and see if an update to the plugin when it becomes available, if maybe that’ll get it working again.


  17. 10 months, 29 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sholden,

    Thank you for all of your efforts. You mentioned you disabled plugins like Wordfence, did you disable them within their settings or via the WordPress plugin interface? I ask as security plugins bypass the WordPress activation system due to when they have to load (earlier than WordPress can load plugins) so disabling the plugin itself won’t have the same effect as disabling them within their settings.

    Based on your message it sounds like this is only happening to one page. Is that the case (at least as far as you’re aware of)? If so, try navigating to PagesAdd New and enable Page Builder. Clone the page you’re having issues with and save it. Does the issue occur? If so, try doing the same thing but this time remove one row. Does the issue occur? If so, repeat this process until you’ve been able to remove a row and have it saved. Then reclone the page and remove all but the last row you removed before you were able to save. Are you able to save? If so, something about that one specific row is causing the server to reject the request.

    Kind regards,

  18. 10 months, 29 days ago sholden

    Hi Alex!

    I’ve been playing around with it, and it looks like it starts the saving error when my Page’s Page Builder Widget count hits 24-26. Once it hits this number, if I remove a couple of rows, which would lower that down to 20, it will save, and allow me to save adding rows back until it gets back to that number, thereabouts. Granted this counter only counts the rows towards the number, so it’s actually 10 or 11 widgets per Row, and when the problem starts I’m at 11 or 12 rows. Do you think it then is the number of actual widgets I’m using, which is 100+?

    It’s not exact. Some times after repeatedly trying to save and going back and readding, it’ll eventually take and save. And sometimes I’ve found if while doing it in Live Editor, when it’s rendering the changes, if I hit Update, before it renders, sometimes that will force it to save.

    Now the actual live page that is the one that I’m working on and just adding a widget and saving it half a dozen or dozen or more times before it actually saves, has the Page Builder Widget counter sitting at 33. So it is possible to get above that 24-26 mark, it’s just frustrating to get it to save.

    I appreciate all of your efforts and time!!

  19. 10 months, 28 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sholden,

    Thanks for the additional information. I’m unable to replicate these results locally but based on the number of widgets you’re working with it’s possible you’re hitting the memory limit. Please try following this tutorial for increasing it. I recommend setting it to at least 512 MB.

    Kind regards,

  20. 10 months, 28 days ago sholden

    Hi Alex,

    I’ve got it set to 512 in both .htaccess and wp-config, and confirmed that the changes work by viewing the site health and server tab in wordpress and verified that 512 is there, but still no go.

  21. 10 months, 23 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sholden,

    Thanks for checking. Can you please provide me with an export of the layout of one of the pages where this is happening on? To export a page, open up the page in the editor and click the Layout button in the Page Builder toolbar. Click import/export and then click download. Please upload the export to a 3rd party file hosting site such as WeTransfer (no email is required).

    Kind regards,

  22. 10 months, 22 days ago sholden

    Hi Alex,

    Here you go: https://we.tl/t-DWxyiiFeeC

    I tried some additional testing just to see if maybe it was the number of Layout Builders being added as widgets to further design inside of them, but that didn’t help at all.

    Thank you sooo much!!

  23. 10 months, 21 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sholden,

    Thanks, I’ve been able to download and import the provided layout without issue. I’ve been unable to replicate this issue with this layout. The layout is quite large and certain lower-end servers may have issues handling this layout. I recommend talking to your hosting provider and ask if you’re hitting any sort of resource limits.

    Kind regards,

  24. 10 months, 21 days ago sholden

    Hi Alex,

    Did you try adding another widget to one of the pagebuilder rows, or duplicating one of the entire rows?

    It’s weird, on a staging site I was able to import the layout in and publish it, but after that, I can’t add or change anything without the 404 error.

    I just upgraded hosting to 8GB Memory, 4 CPU, basically double the resources as I had yesterday, and still error’ing out. I spoke with tech support, and even before the upgrade he didn’t see me hitting any resource limits.

    I’ll keep tinkering I guess and if I ever figure it out I’ll be sure to share.


  25. 10 months, 20 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here


    Did you try adding another widget to one of the pagebuilder rows, or duplicating one of the entire rows?

    Yes, I tried both. I added adding a new widget (specifically a SiteOrigin Hero widget with one test slide set up), and by duplicating 1 – 3 rows (multiple sites).

    It’s weird, on a staging site I was able to import the layout in and publish it, but after that, I can’t add or change anything without the 404 error.

    That combined with the upgrades to your account (which should be more than enough) suggests the issue isn’t resource related. Instead, there’s something specific about the production environment that’s resulting in an issue. I recommend asking technical support what the core fundamental differences are between the staging and the production environment and if they could, hopefully, temporarily disable them.

    Kind regards,

  26. 10 months, 20 days ago sholden

    Sorry, my reply wasn’t very clear. My staging site is on the same server. So it’s hit or miss on importing the layout on saving, but once it saves, after that any other changes does the same 404 error as my main site.

    I thought about turning on “Copy Styles”, and then editing the page using the Site Builder to make changes, and then Revert to Editor, so that changes would save, but it looks not all of the styles work the same as when the Page Builder is being used, so the design looks off.

  27. 10 months, 20 days ago sholden

    I have found out a workaround!

    Since for whatever reason, too much content prevents WP from saving the page, I divided the pages into two pages, and used the Insert Pages plugin to insert the second page at the bottom of the first. This gives me the continuous one page for all of the content, but makes it saveable :)

    Thanks Alex, for all of your time!

  28. 10 months, 19 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Sholden,

    It’s great to hear you were able to find a workaround that worked for you. That’s great to hear! :)

    Kind regards,

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