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SiteOrigin Widgets broken

I have the Cerauno template with SOW.
The widgets are not showing at the moment .. they functioned fine far years, and in other sites with same latest updates, also fine even now – its just a problem with one site.
When trying to edit the Widgets in the side bar under “Appearance” menu … the message is
The “sow-editor” block was affected by errors and may not function properly. Check the developer tools for more details.

Please advise

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  1. 7 months, 26 days ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Simon

    Thanks for letting us know about the issue. Alex will work on a solution this evening. An update for the Widgets Bundle should follow tomorrow to resolve the problem. Apologies for the hassle.

  2. 7 months, 25 days ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Simon,

    I’ve run a few tests and I’m having trouble replicating this issue. Can you please replicate the issue and then send me a copy of your browser console? Here’s how to access the browser console.

    Also, can you please try establishing a working baseline? Temporarily deactivate all plugins except for plugins authored by SiteOrigin. Does the issue persist with only SiteOrigin plugins activated?

    If the issue persists with only SiteOrigin plugins activated, temporarily switch to a default theme like Twenty Nineteen.

    The conflict test has failed if you can’t find a working baseline. If you can find a working baseline, reactivate your theme if you got that far and your plugins individually. After each activation, check for the issue and note when it reoccurs.

    Kind regards,

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