Home>Support>Problem with header

Problem with header

Hi guys i have a problem with the header section in my vantage premium theme.
As you can see on the website www.jagaid.com the header section hides the website title and is so big leaving a lot of blank space, the parts below become hard to see for most users.
Is there a way to sort out this issue ? I tried everything in the settings but i found nothing, so i ask for support.

Many thanks in advance and kind regards

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  1. 10 years, 3 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Luca

    Thanks for running Vantage.

    a. In the Vantage header you can either have the site title OR the logo but not both.

    b. You can adjust header vertical padding at Appearance > Customize > General: Header padding.

    c. It might be best to break up your logo. For example you might use the textured background on it’s own for the masthead background at Appearance > Customize > Page > Masthead Background.

    d. Rather remove the Support Text from Theme Settings and use Appearance > Widgets: Header. Insert the Visual Editor widget which can be installed via this plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/black-studio-tinymce-widget/. That will give you more control over that text.

    e. For even more control over text in the header widget area, insert the following under Appearance > Custom CSS and adjust as needed:

    /* Header */
    header#masthead hgroup #header-sidebar {
    color: #595959;
    font-size: 14px;
    line-height: 24px;
    header#masthead hgroup #header-sidebar a { 
    color: #4273d1;
    text-decoration: none;
    header#masthead hgroup #header-sidebar a:hover { 
    text-decoration: underline;
  2. 10 years, 3 months ago Luca Canella JagAid

    Thanks guys
    actually i installed the plugin and i finally was allowed to reduce the header dimensions.
    This helped me a lot at the moment as you can see, when new logo will be ready i will use the trick you explained me.
    You can close the ticket.

    Thanks so much you’re great I’m quite happy for choosing your theme within millions available ;)

    Ciaooo !!!

  3. 10 years, 3 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Super, glad to hear you’ve made progress here.

    All the best.

  4. 10 years, 3 months ago Magda Freitas

    Thanks Andrew!

  5. 10 years, 3 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    No problem!

    If anyone is interested in making a header sidebar like this: http://chandlinghotelsupplies.co.za/ with icons from Font Awesome: http://fontawesome.io/icons/ already included in Vantage, the additional CSS and markup which I inserted with the Visual Editor widget is:

    Demo Header Markup inserted at Appearance > Widgets: Header with Visual Editor widget HTML tab:

    <p>Authorised distributor for <strong>Glodina Black Label</strong><br /> Towels, Bath Robes &amp; Related Products<br /><span class="icon-phone"></span> 021 511 7550  <span class="icon-email"></span> <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>

    Demo CSS added to Appearance > Custom CSS for icons using http://fontawesome.io/icons/:

    .icon-phone:before {color: #254ea2;  content: "\f095";}.icon-email:before {color: #254ea2;  content: "\f0e0";margin-left: 10px;}
  6. 10 years, 3 months ago dasofsky


    This solution didn’t work:

    I created a new row in Pagebuilder and inserted a Visual Editor widget and inserted the following code in the hmtl area:

    <strong>914-444-4444</strong>Fences - Deer - WalkwaysRailings - Custom Ironworks

    In the custom css I entered the following code:

    .mobile-info { display: none; }
    @media screen and (max-width: 1030px) {
    .mobile-info { display: block; }


    Any thoughts



  7. 10 years, 3 months ago dasofsky

    Not sure why the full html didn’t show:

    914-444-4444Fences – Deer – WalkwaysRailings – Custom Ironworks

  8. 10 years, 3 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here


    I think we’re mixing up a few different things here. Would you mind opening a new thread for me with an explanation of what you’d like to roll out – I’m sure I can get it sorted.

  9. 9 years, 8 months ago zkagen

    Hi Andrew,

    I tried the header with Font Awesome that you have described above, but the visual editor keeps removing the tags.

    Is there a way that I can prevent that from happening?


    • 9 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
      Hi, I Work Here

      Hi Hans

      Please can you open a new thread for us:

      Page: New Thread

      We’ll be with you ASAP.


  10. 9 years, 8 months ago zkagen

    Hi Andrew,

    While I was writing this question in a new thread, I realize that this has probably nothing to do with PageBuilder, but is instead related to the Black Studio TinyMCE Widget plugin.

    I will check at the Black Studio TinyMCE Widget plugin forum instead ;-)

  11. 9 years, 8 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    It’s all good. Go-ahead and open a thread, I’ll take a look anyway. Visual Editor is super important to Page Builder so it’s no problem.

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