
PriceTable – background blue going to white on mobile devices

By Basz85, 9 years ago
Hi there, I like this plugin very much! I’ve a small problem with a plugin; pricetable. I costumize (CSS from the plugin) the button from the pricetable plugin to blue(background) and the font to white. But when I test on my iPhone or iPad I see that the button from the background going totally to…

Buying mulitpule licences

By Justin Tuijl, 9 years ago
Hi I am a webdesigner and have just made another wordpress site using vantage, how to I buy the premium option again? I like it so much I will probably buy many times. Thanks

Meta Slider Problems-Caption Formatting

By Matt Hensler, 9 years ago
So, I have already created a child theme for Vantage, and am currently trying to modify the MetaSlider captions. I don’t want the black semi-transparent bar, and I want to change the font. I’ve added the supposed required CSS to my sheet as follows: However, it’s giving me really weird results as you can see…

How to export/import PageBuilder posts?

By Fabio Marzocca, 9 years ago
I am in the need to move from one site to another, a long series of PageBuilder formatted posts. I thought it could have been done simply by exporting and reimporting the post with the standard WP procedure, but I sadly discovered it will not be possible… Can you ple let me know the correct…

Icons not showing up for Vantage?

By Nikki X (Dj Knite X), 9 years ago
I was editing the circle icons and they showed up but after i added some plugins and moved some stuff, they just stopped showing up. Now when you visit my website, the circle icons are just circles and do not have the respective icon picture to go with them. Is there any way I can…

Sticky Menu scroll position

By James Lee, 9 years ago
Hey there, I’d like to move the scroll position further down the page for when the sticky menu appears. By default, it appears as soon as the user scrolls from the top of the page… is there any way we can make it appear further down the scroll? Thanks in advance. Awesome work.

Mobile page menu dropdown theme vantage

By Ran Dolletjes, 9 years ago
Hi! Can you help me out? I want the mobile page (vantage theme) with a dropdown menu. The three stripes right at the top. Is that possible to change? At the moment te menubar is way too big on the mobile version of my website en takes over almost the whole screen. Thanks in advance…

Simple Membership Plugin Compatibility with Page Builder 2

By csds, 9 years ago
My comment is a follow up to thread linked below: Simple Membership Plugin Compatibility I too am experiencing trouble with Simple Membership and Site Origin Page Builder. I am interested in testing the potential solution you offered in that thread. I am a huge fan of Page Builder and would love to be able to…

Circle icons broken

By fonlos, 9 years ago
Please have a look at the circle icons. since the last update of the vantage theme (today, couple of hours ago) the symbols are too small.. URL: http://www.fonlos.de

Problem with Responsive Theme Vantage

By grex, 9 years ago
HI, I reallty appreciate the vantage theme but since I’m the beginner I can not handle the responsive layout. In the standard theme there is an option “responsive layout” but it does not work. Whenever I want to reduce the screen on site it makes a big mess in laout, not even mention about the…

How to reduce the white space above first row.

By Alex Konijnenburg, 9 years ago
Hi Team, Is there a way to reduce the white space above the first row? Now there is to much white space between the slide and first row (as you can see on my site). I want to have it on the same level as the first widget in de sidebar. Thank you in advance.…

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