
Possiblity to use the Visual Editor widget as Tabs

By Vacancy Lister, 9 years ago
Hi Team, I was having a query, if it was possible to display Visual editors placed in the same row as Tabs. Scenario is i add a row on the WP page/post. then i place 3 Visual editor boxes with 3 different content. Now I want to display the content from all 3 editor boxes…

Saving issues

By Jorge Pires, 9 years ago
Hi, I have an issue, with WP 4.1 , after some upgrading, when saving the changes of pagebuilder options they do not reflect and dont stay saved. I got this website from a customer and from what i understand , the theme already has a pagebuilder included which is the reason i believe it may…

Pitch Theme Project Page Issue About Showing Images In Featured Slot

By yasirkula, 9 years ago
Hi there, We are trying to use Pitch theme to showcase our mobile game products. Our product pages (named projects in the theme) contain download links for popular markets: Google Play, iTunes etc. These download buttons are images linked to the store page. Our issue is that the featured image slot in the project page…

Page Builder widgets floating around

By Mads E, 9 years ago
Hi, I have a sort of funny and annoying issue with page builder. First time a page i loaded the design is fucked. Widgets and rows does not align. F5 refresh does fix that. I don’t know if this is related to a setting or my wordpress theme I use a Text Widget and Price…

Spacing Issue In The Comment Section

By Nicholas Brown, 9 years ago
Hello. The checkbox to ‘Notify me of follow up comments by e-mail’ is hitched up against the ‘Post Comment’ button on all posts. Is this a bug? It started from I first installed Vantage. Could you help me to fix it? I’m also getting this error when trying to post: ‘This isn’t a valid order…

Snapshot WordPress Theme – Home Page questions

By Francois, 9 years ago
Hi, I just downloaded the Snapshot WordPress Theme v1.3 and Snapshot Plus v1.0. I like it very much, but I have many questions. 1. Where can I set the font color for menus? I use dark style in theme settings which provides a dark background but the font color for the menus remains black. I…

Vantage and Site-Wide Store Notice

By Christian Batchelor, 9 years ago
Hello, I purchased Vantage Premium and noticed that the “site-wide store notice” is enabled in woocommerce it covers the top menu bar… Any chance the developers can fix this? I would include my site with the issue but i think it would cause customers to bounce if I enabled it again.

Slider Widget not working with UberMenu

By Bryan Batcher, 9 years ago
I’m loving PageBuilder and Widget Plugins. It’s phenomenal. I was admiring my beautiful new slider when I notice that it doesn’t get along with UberMenu. If you load my site and, before the slider changes, hover over a menu item, the dropdown from UberMenu goes behind the slider. How do I fix that? It fixes…

Rename Widgets

By ag670, 9 years ago
Is there anyway to rename the widgets being provided for the page builder? Example: Change: SiteOrigin Google Maps To: Google Maps

Page Builder does not recognize Tiny Mce or So Widgets bundle

By Shane Watters, 9 years ago
I have the latest version of wordpress, have deactivated all plugins except Page Builder, SO Widgets Bundle and Black Studios TMC editor. Yet the page builder still will not work for me, I get the following errors when attempting to use SO Widget or Tiny MCE editor: “You need to install SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle to…

Removing spacing and adjusting Header on Pure and Simple Theme

By Amber Rosier, 9 years ago
Hi! I am pretty new to WordPress and am trying to build a very simple site. I have been prodding around, but can’t seem to work out how to remove the spacing between the main menu and the metaslider on each page. I also want to insert a logo above the header and tagline, but…

Page Builder Data doesn’t show up in HTML source

By Joren Wouters, 9 years ago
Hello everyone, I am making a WordPress theme and I want a Page Builder Pre-built Layout in it. But the problem is, the page builder data doesn’t show up in the HTML source and I have enabled the developer mode in my wp-config.php file. Can anyone help me? Greets, Joren

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