Home>Support>Page Builder 2.5beta 1 – another bug

Page Builder 2.5beta 1 – another bug

Ok,2.5 beta1 installed … aaaand :) :

– the “Preview changes” doesn’t work – tried with default theme, all other plugins deactivated (only panels and SO Widgets bundle), and – nope …
When I go to “Live Editor”, changes I did in “regular” panels, did apply. But, when widgets are being drag’n dropped, layout is not updated
It seems that drag and drop on Live editor doesn’t update at all
You can see it all here: http://recordit.co/NLketm1SDB

Hope this helps you …

Best regards,

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  1. 7 years, 6 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Micemade,

    Very sorry for the delay!

    I can’t seem to replicate the preview issue. So, to clarify, you’re simply changing the text (and widget settings) and it’s not updating, right? I’m not missing anything right?

    I’ve been able to replicate the live editor issue and have logged it for fixing – thank you! :)

  2. 7 years, 6 months ago micemade

    Thanks for reply. No worries about delay, I understand it.

    Yeah – with “regular” preview (WP), no change is visible, and in “Live editor” seems like only re-positioning of widgets (and rows) doesn’t get updated.
    ( please, please tell devs to test the plugin well before release).
    Btw, great decision to refactor row/columns to flexbox, and adding column options. Once released it will be great update.

    I already posted one feature request (I know it may be a long shot,but…) – selective refresh of edited elements (similar to Customizer), instead of full page refresh in “Live editor” would be really really great !


  3. 7 years, 6 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Micemade,

    Hm, that’s odd. I’ll try replicating it on a few different setups to see if I can replicate it.

    I’m 90% sure the selective refresh is planned for the 3.0 update. Oh, and that update will mainly focus on the live editor. :)

  4. 7 years, 6 months ago Greg Priday
    Hi, I Work Here

    Yeah, I’d really like to get selective refresh working. Ideally using the same system that the Customizer itself uses.

    And don’t worry Alen, there’s a lot of testing still to come. This is a big release and it’ll only come out when it’s good and ready.

  5. 7 years, 6 months ago micemade

    Thanks Greg (and Alex) for feedback.
    I actually don’t worry about you and your team being a responsible developers, that was just a moment of my weakness … :)

    What would be your estimation on 2.5 and 3.0 respectively, on release dates ?


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