
Max Mega Menu / So WIdgets incompatiblity

By micemade, 7 years ago. Last reply by micemade, 7 years ago
Hi, There’s a similar thread over here: https://siteorigin.com/thread/max-mega-menu-conflict-2/ But, now I checked – not only “Layout Builder” doesn’t work anymore with Max Mega Menu, but any SO Widget is not working with MMM. See the image: I do save everything, refresh, and … nothing, still the same. Any chance for fixing this ? I was…

Page Builder 2.5beta 1 – another bug

By micemade, 7 years ago. Last reply by micemade, 7 years ago
Ok,2.5 beta1 installed … aaaand :) : – the “Preview changes” doesn’t work – tried with default theme, all other plugins deactivated (only panels and SO Widgets bundle), and – nope … When I go to “Live Editor”, changes I did in “regular” panels, did apply. But, when widgets are being drag’n dropped, layout is…

So Widgets Bundle + Elementor confict

By micemade, 7 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
Hi, first of all, great decision to support Elementor and make SO widgets compatible with that plugin. However … :) : Elementor’s side panel gets resized by SO WB styles (from 260px to 400px) which stretches over the page preview, and makes section/columns edit buttons not visible (at least for first column) – see the…

2.4.23 Update bug ( Feb. 01. 2017 )

By micemade, 7 years ago. Last reply by micemade, 7 years ago
Hi, after yesterday’s update (and a bigger one for Bundle), I found out that (big) changes to filter_css_object() in “inc/default-styles.php” caused styles issues. The widgets inside Layout Builder inherited padding values from Layout Builder, causing too much padding all over the page. THE SOLUTION (?): – adding the > before .panel-widget-style in “inc/default-styles.php” (in lines…

Inline styles – validator.w3.org issue solution ?

By micemade, 7 years ago. Last reply by micemade, 7 years ago
Hi, I have encountered (as some other users, see this thread – https://siteorigin.com/thread/how-to-load-inline-styles-in-the-header/) issue when validating page created with SO Page Builder, specifically “Layout builder” widget. The validator reports error with inline styles generated inside the body tag. I looked at code in “siteorigin-panels.php” and found out that is responsible for this. The solution that…

Live editor partial (selective) refresh

By micemade, 7 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
Hi, guys While it’s great that you have added “Live editor” for seemingly front end editing, and it is great feature, it’s not actually a “real” front editing, like some other plugins have. Could you consider adding a partial (or selective) refresh to “Live editor”, something similar to Customizer partial refresh ? So when user…

State emitters and repeater

By Łukasz Ziaja, 9 years ago. Last reply by micemade, 7 years ago
Hi, I have another question about repeater construcion and state emitters becuase when I change type of one content instance state handler changes all instances of content field. Can I split it somehow?

Activate widget using register_activation_hook

By micemade, 8 years ago. Last reply by micemade, 8 years ago
Hi there, I’ve been trying to automatically activate widgets – I created plugin to work with SO Widgets bundle as framework, in a way that my widgets get activated when user activate my plugin, but no luck. I tried with instructions from here: https://siteorigin.com/thread/enable-new-widget-by-default/, like this: and even with hook “siteorigin_widgets_active_widgets” (as instructed in linked…

Register only one widget (So widgets bundle)

By micemade, 8 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 8 years ago
Hi, I’m trying to register widgets following the guides from https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/getting-started/creating-a-widget/ when creating extension plugin for “Page Builder by SiteOrigin” and ” SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle”. I successfully registered one widget (my hero widget), but I cannot register more. My classes are unique, widget ID’s and names (in metadata header), as well as id and class…

Layout builder title

By micemade, 7 years ago
Hi, is there some hook/action or method ( which I perhaps missed ), that can add title to Layout Builder widget, at least for layout admin, to help identify Layout Builder’s content inside ? Thanks, Alen, Micemade

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