Home>Support>Masthead image background

Masthead image background

Hi, I use the premium version of your Vantage template.
All I am trying to do is set a backgeound image via the customize>page option
I have an image (jpg) in my media library
I select the image and then save.
But after I add the image the screen just flashes and still the white default background. I save and go back in the the customize . page screen and no image is selected
File size: 28 kB
Dimensions: 1708 × 200

URL: http://www.pullenshowpigs.com/

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  1. 9 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi David

    Sorry to hear about the hassle. Please try running all pending updates at Dashboard > Updates and then re-check the Customizer. Will hopefully do the trick.

  2. 9 years, 1 month ago David Butz

    Hi, I am Still having issues unfortunately.
    Here is some more info and a question.
    I am using FF 39.0 On Windows 8.1 and the site is hosted at GoDaddy and I use my cPanel to access the admin page.
    I have also tried using Chrome and the same issue.
    I then removed the imeage from my media library and re added it and then tried to uppdate the page banner backgroud again and still no luck.

    So the question is..
    Do I need to uninstall the Template and then reinstall? If I do this will I loose all my customizations and other work on my site?
    What are my options?

  3. 9 years, 1 month ago David Butz

    Also as a test I tried just changing the background color and that works fine

  4. 9 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    The next step would be to try testing for a plugin conflict. Here is how you can do that:

    This sounds like it could be a plugin conflict issue. Can you try disabling all non-SiteOrigin plugins and see if this fixes the issue? If it does fix the issue, then try re-enabling your plugins one by one until the issue comes back. This procedure will help diagnose which plugin is causing the issue.

    Once we know that, we’ll be able to look at what might be causing the conflict and either solve the problem or help you find an alternative plugin.

  5. 9 years, 1 month ago David Butz

    I unfortunately do not have good news. I am still having the issue.
    I deactivated all plugins. and then to make sure I signed out of the admin and then signed back in and they were in fact deactivated (except the Site Origin Plugin.
    I then added the picture and no luck ( the screen dimmed as if it was applying the change but the masthead was blank (no image still)
    I then changed the color only and that still works.
    Then I uploaded a smaller version of the image and tried that just in case. That had no luck. Both images were jpg format.

  6. 9 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the wait and for the update. Please, confirm that there are no pending updates at Dashboard > Updates. If there are pending updates, run them all and re-test. If the issue persists, please, send a temporary set of login details and we’ll take a look. I’ll send instructions for this step now.

  7. 9 years, 1 month ago Toytradeadman

    It’s not a plugin conflict if your going to appearance n then to the background that’s the wrong place it drove me nuts but I figured it out. You have to go to the dashboard then customize your site> theme design>page>page background image that’s the place to be for the background. I have two screen shots click the link below to see what I’m talking about.
    http://vintagetoyadvertisements.com/background/ here you will see where i placed my background at. A tip i used a 25% ghost of the image

  8. 9 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the update. In Boxed mode Vantage uses the regular page background option. In Full Width mode you need to dive a bit deeper, the design dictates we need to use our own control for that as we only want the background changed for a portion of the site and not the whole body tag. Glad to hear you made progress and apologies for the hassle.

    • 9 years, 1 month ago Toytradeadman

      I did both full and boxed plus stretch the slider and still see my background image. The other one under appearance I always see a flash no matter which I pick the color or image i never seen anything. I’m not the original poster here so I don’t if he solved his problem. I love solving problems don’t stop until i find the solution.

      My site is in full mode right now and I see the background image. I do have a question what is the size of the image area of the meta slider in stretch mode. It cuts my images off when in mode. Sorry for jumping the post but that’s what a forum is for to help people.


      • 9 years, 1 month ago Toytradeadman

        scratch my question about the slider I didn’t read start a new thread it won’t happen again I was excited at the time.

  9. 9 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    No problem. We’re a bit behind on our free support queries at the moment. If you have a thread you’d like me to check out, please, post the link to it here.

    Thanks :)

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