Please, can you tell me why the free animation module that you give away for signing up to your newsletter has more options? It has ‘On Hover’ where my premium version does not?
Please, can you tell me why the free animation module that you give away for signing up to your newsletter has more options? It has ‘On Hover’ where my premium version does not?
This is our free support forum. Replies can take several days. If you need fast email support, please purchase a SiteOrigin Premium license.
Hi Phil,
We’re very sorry about this. We’ll be releasing a SiteOrigin Premium update shortly that includes this functionality. Really sorry that add-on was released prior to the SiteOrigin Premium update. We’re currently finalizing certain aspects of the update and I should know an exact release sometime tomorrow – I’ll reply once I know.
By the way, as you’re a premium user, you’re entitled to priority email support. Premium support can be contacted at Private Snippet.