Home>Support>Best size for pictures on blogs – feature images

Best size for pictures on blogs – feature images

I noticed that images on the main page – as side images, have different sizes/crop as on the blog page. For example, on hibbingfinancial.com – the main page has images on the side that look kinda funny if they were originally optimized to plot on the blog page.

Is there a way to keep the aspect ration the same – perhaps that would take care of it in one swoop.


URL: http://hibbingfinancial.com

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  1. 9 years, 9 months ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Hans

    Glad to see your site is coming along nicely.

    The wide but narrow features images currently being used for all home page posts, besides the retirement post, unfortunately don’t re-size and crop well into a square. I see what you’ve done there though in terms of using that image as your header.

    Featured images, with a sidebar in place, on the single post page are 770px wide. The height depends on the image but the more square the image is the better it’ll come out as a thumbnail.

    If you wanted to hide thumbnails on the home page the following under Appearance > Custom CSS would do the trick:

    .home article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail, .home article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-thumbnail { display: none; }
    .home article.post.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main, .home article.page.post-with-thumbnail-icon .entry-main {
    width: 100%;

    Alternatively you’d need to redo the size of your featured images to include more height and then run:


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