
Remove text below comments box

By Lauren Short, 9 years ago. Last reply by Lauren Short, 9 years ago
Hi there, I’ve tried following the advice in the following post to remove the text below the comments box “You may use these HTML tags and attributes:…” Spurious text below comments box. How do I remove it However, while this has removed all of the example HTML tags, it’s still left this bit of the…

Best size for pictures on blogs – feature images

By Hans van Meer, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
I noticed that images on the main page – as side images, have different sizes/crop as on the blog page. For example, on hibbingfinancial.com – the main page has images on the side that look kinda funny if they were originally optimized to plot on the blog page. Is there a way to keep the…

Paypal payment issue

By Hans van Meer, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hello, I just paid $15 using my “[email protected]” paypal account. The unfortunate thing is that I changed the URL name from hibbinggroup.com to hibbingfinancial.com quite some time ago, but never bothered updating my paypal account. I suspect that an auto generated email with purchase order number was sent to this (now) non-existing email address. Is…

Image in right top corner not showing correctly

By Hans van Meer, 9 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 9 years ago
Hello, I am using the Vantage theme and installed Black Studio TinyMCE Widget to show “Media” – in this case a 100×100 image in the right top of the header. I read your comments in the other posts and so I followed the steps and removed the text in the theme settings, installed the widget…

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