
Global Widget

By jpw94, 7 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 7 years ago
I have a widget that appears on EVERY page on my site. I would like to just have to make changes to that in one place instead of having to make the change in every single page. Is is possible to make a widget global? Thank you

Widget title text color

By jpw94, 8 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 8 years ago
I’ve just installed this plugin on my test site. I’ve seen this posted around but the code doesn’t seem to work and I cannot tell if this is a theme conflict or not. i have a sample page where I have a simple 1 row with Site Origin text widget in it. http://dev.titandisposalinc.com The solution…

Page widgets showing up in sidebar

I am using the Spacious theme (free version). I just installed Page Builder and created a page with a Site Origin editor widget in the page. When I save that, the text widget shows up in the sidebar. Can’t see anything in the sidebar. Could this be a theme conflict? If so, how do I…

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