
Videos in the tabs widget

By Sally Pilkington, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
I would like to put a youtube video in a siteorigin page builder tab When I paste the video code in, the video shows up in the editor, but front-end I just see the youtube url. should it be possible to insert videos in Siteorigin tabs, or is this a limitation? I found a separate…

Equal height buttons

By Sally Pilkington, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
I am trying to make a row of buttons with equal height. My buttons naturally have different heights as they contain different amounts of text. They are placed side-by-side in different columns on the same row. I have set the row to be ‘Equal column height’. I hoped this would make the buttons equal height,…

Scroll links to row Id anchor

By Sally Pilkington, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
I have got some long pages that I would like to add scroll links to. I have given my sections (rows) IDs in the attritube tanb Is it possible to link to the row ID somehow, or do I still need to make an anchor in the content of the row, eg the header. I’m…

Video widget not displaying self-hosted video from Url

By Sally Pilkington, 4 years ago. Last reply by Alex S, 4 years ago
Hi, I’ve added this self-hosted video to a video widget in pagebuilder: https://chrisbostock.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Story-Teller-new-trailer-V2.mp4 The the Page-edit view, the video shows up and plays, but when I publish and view the page, nothing is there. Any ideas? https://chrisbostock.co.uk/project/the-storyteller/ The video widget is in a full width row under the top row (with image right and text…

Product grid page builder widget

By Sally Pilkington, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Is there a Siteorigin page builder widget that displays a grid of products? ie, where you could choose the number of products, product category, number of columns…. I’m sure I’ve used this widget before, but on a new install I can find a widget that does this! I’ve checked in my widgets bundle and can’t…

Page builder and Yoast Seo

By Sally Pilkington, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
I’ve seen some previous threads about incompatibility of SOPB and Yoast SEO plugin. This thread suggests that compatibility issues have been fixed: https://siteorigin.com/thread/pagebuilder-and-yoast-seo/ But I’m still having issues, for example my homepage which has links to 2 internal pages, and 3 blog posts, shows as having no internal links. Any ideas why this doesn’t work,…

Two fields for row padding

By Sally Pilkington, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
Hi, In my page builder, when I click into a row >> Layout, I can set the top, left, bottom, right padding in 2 different places, and I’n not sure what the difference is? The top field, with has: Padding Top,Right, bottom ,left Then under neath there are separate fields: Padding top Paddig Right etc.…

Child page widget

By Sally Pilkington, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
I’m trying to display child pages on a parent page, much as you might display a portfolio of projects, or a grid of posts. Is this possible with page builder widgets? I would like to show a featured image and custom excerpt for each child page.

Using site origin page builder editor on mobile

By Sally Pilkington, 5 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 5 years ago
I often do bits of website editing while I’m out and about without my laptop. Unfortunately the site origin editor doesn’t really work on my galaxy s6 – I can’t click into individual widgets to edit them, and live editor isn’t an option on the small screen. I tried on a slightly bigger phone which…

Full width button

By Sally Pilkington, 5 years ago. Last reply by SiteOrigin, 5 years ago
Hi Is it possible to create a full width button within a row? Currently, my default button in my theme only pads to the button content. I’ve tried using full width row setting. Would I need to create a custom css button or is there another way? I have tried adding css to the widget…

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