
Site logo in masthead Not centering on Vantage Premium

By Eric Toeg, 4 years ago. Last reply by Andrew Misplon, 4 years ago
Not sure if anyone out there knows a fix, but I purchased this theme a ways back and no longer get support so I thought I would reach out the community…. mostmanagement.com Site logo at top does not center. I checked the “center logo” box under “appearance/customize/theme design/general” and nothing happens. Please advise Thanks Eric

Social Icons displaying incorrectly

By Eric Toeg, 9 years ago. Last reply by Eric Toeg, 9 years ago
Hello – I am using the vantage theme and working on a child theme. I have been adding some custom CSS both within the dashboard and also directly on the CSS file. Problem: social icons in footer are displaying vertically stretched (too tall). Can someone assist me as I think this should be an easy…

Centering Social Icons in Vantage Premium

By Eric Toeg, 9 years ago. Last reply by Eric Toeg, 9 years ago
I first made an attempt to change the CSS code relating to the social icons on my Child Theme, but that did not work. I then went into the main Vantage css file for the theme and successfully made the change there. The problem I am experiencing, is after a day or two, it reverts…

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