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Yoast Seo not working on Home page


I’m using the following widgets on my home page but the yoast SEO tool seems to not count the number of words within these. Widgets- FT: Slider, FT: Heading, FT: Blog, FT:CTA. How can I configure yoast SEO to count all words displayed on the Home page? Website : www.fashionrepurposed.com

Thanks in advance!

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  1. 4 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here


    Thanks for reaching out.

    Yoast recently made a change that requires an update from our end. If you’d like to test that update now, you can find a beta copy here. With the ZIP file on your desktop, go to Plugins, deactivate Page Builder and then delete it. Install the ZIP file from PluginsAdd NewUpload Plugin. Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

  2. 4 years, 1 month ago fashionrepurposed

    Hi Andrew,

    I deactivated and deleted Page Builder and installed the zip file you sent. I still see the same word count and yoast does not crawl internal links on the page either. How can I optimize the page for SEO?

    Thank you,

  3. 4 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Akanksha

    Thanks for the update.

    Please, send us an JSON export of the page and we’ll take a look. You can do that from LayoutsImport/ExportDownload Layout. Upload the file to WeTransfer.com or any sharing site and send us the link. Thanks.

  4. 4 years, 1 month ago fashionrepurposed

    Hi again Andrew,

    Below is the JSON export.

    {“widgets”:[{“repeatable_slider”:{“slider1”:{“title”:””,”description”:””,”image”:”https://fashionrepurposed.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Fashion-repurposed-sustainable-upcycling.jpg”,”button_text”:””,”button_link”:””}},”color”:”slider-light”,”align”:”slider-content-center”,”controls”:”slider-control-center”,”full-screen”:0,”id”:”themegrill_flash_slider-510000″,”option_name”:”widget_themegrill_flash_slider”,”so_sidebar_emulator_id”:”themegrill_flash_slider-510000″,”panels_info”:{“class”:”FT_Widget_Slider”,”raw”:false,”grid”:0,”cell”:0,”id”:0,”widget_id”:”5d9f2457-7450-4248-9a69-a12bbf18f319″,”style”:{“background_image_attachment”:false,”background_display”:”tile”,”font_color”:”#ffffff”}}},{“heading-title”:”Latest Stories”,”subheading”:”With every decision we make to buy or discard fashion, we have the power to affect a whole value chain. Here I share some personal sustainable fashion projects.”,”id”:”themegrill_flash_heading-520014″,”option_name”:”widget_themegrill_flash_heading”,”so_sidebar_emulator_id”:”themegrill_flash_heading-510001″,”panels_info”:{“class”:”FT_Widget_Heading”,”raw”:false,”grid”:1,”cell”:0,”id”:1,”widget_id”:”487305a1-eede-46b1-a6e8-8cd5f7dfd25f”,”style”:{“background_image_attachment”:false,”background_display”:”tile”}}},{“number”:3,”source”:”category”,”category”:18,”style”:”tg-blog-widget-layout-2″,”id”:”themegrill_flash_blog-520015″,”option_name”:”widget_themegrill_flash_blog”,”so_sidebar_emulator_id”:”themegrill_flash_blog-510002″,”panels_info”:{“class”:”FT_Widget_Blog”,”raw”:false,”grid”:1,”cell”:0,”id”:2,”widget_id”:”384adc57-d41c-4899-bb64-7d484606a2b2″,”style”:{“background_display”:”tile”}}},{“heading-title”:”RESOURCES”,”subheading”:”A repository of all my resources and favourite content on sustainable fashion”,”id”:”themegrill_flash_heading-510004″,”option_name”:”widget_themegrill_flash_heading”,”so_sidebar_emulator_id”:”themegrill_flash_heading-510003″,”panels_info”:{“class”:”FT_Widget_Heading”,”raw”:false,”grid”:2,”cell”:0,”id”:3,”widget_id”:”66d94687-abff-424d-979e-9a7c181399e4″,”style”:{“background_image_attachment”:false,”background_display”:”tile”}}},{“number”:4,”source”:”category”,”category”:”40″,”style”:”tg-blog-widget-layout-1″,”so_sidebar_emulator_id”:”themegrill_flash_blog-510004″,”option_name”:”widget_themegrill_flash_blog”,”panels_info”:{“class”:”FT_Widget_Blog”,”raw”:false,”grid”:2,”cell”:0,”id”:4,”widget_id”:”a14959bc-6318-4fdb-8ed3-331205551fae”,”style”:{“background_image_attachment”:false,”background_display”:”tile”,”link_color”:”#648e99″}}},{“cta-title”:”GET IN TOUCH!”,”cta-subtitle”:”For queries or collaborations”,”cta-btn1″:”Contact”,”cta-btn1-link”:”https://fashionrepurposed.com/contact/”,”cta-btn2″:””,”cta-btn2-link”:””,”style”:”call-to-action-section-layout-1″,”id”:”themegrill_flash_cta-520007″,”option_name”:”widget_themegrill_flash_cta”,”so_sidebar_emulator_id”:”themegrill_flash_cta-510005″,”panels_info”:{“class”:”FT_Widget_CTA”,”raw”:false,”grid”:3,”cell”:0,”id”:5,”widget_id”:”67b6b037-b9c4-434c-a919-18daa64afec0″,”style”:{“padding”:”60px 0px 60px 0px”,”background_image_attachment”:”819″,”background_image_attachment_fallback”:false,”background_display”:”tile”}}}],”grids”:[{“cells”:1,”style”:{“background_display”:”parallax”,”row_stretch”:”full-stretched”}},{“cells”:1,”style”:{“padding”:”60px 0px 60px 0px”,”background_display”:”tile”}},{“cells”:1,”style”:{“padding”:”60px 0px 60px 0px”,”background”:”#f9f9f9″,”background_image_attachment”:false,”background_display”:”tile”,”row_stretch”:”full”,”cell_alignment”:”flex-start”}},{“cells”:1,”style”:{“background_image_attachment”:”97″,”background_image_attachment_fallback”:false,”background_display”:”parallax”,”row_stretch”:”full-stretched”,”cell_alignment”:”flex-start”}}],”grid_cells”:[{“grid”:0,”index”:0,”weight”:1,”style”:[]},{“grid”:1,”index”:0,”weight”:1,”style”:[]},{“grid”:2,”index”:0,”weight”:1,”style”:[]},{“grid”:3,”index”:0,”weight”:1,”style”:[]}],”name”:”Home”}

  5. 4 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi Akanksha

    Thanks for the wait. Would it be possible to upload a copy of your theme in ZIP file format to Dropbox/Drive and email the link to [email protected]? It doesn’t seem like these widgets are included in the free version.

  6. 4 years, 1 month ago fashionrepurposed

    Hi Andrew,

    Sorry about the late response. I’ve sent the files via wetransfer to the email address you provided above. Hope you’ve received it?

    Thank you,

  7. 4 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks, I’m not sure we’re on the same page though. I thought you were using the premium version of the Flash theme so I was asking for a copy of the theme. I see you’re using the free version. When I install the free version of Flash, the widgets from your layout are missing. Is there a supporting plugin for your theme perhaps?

  8. 4 years, 1 month ago fashionrepurposed

    Hi Andrew,

    Yes it’s the free version. I’ve uploaded my content using the widgets the Flash theme came with. The plug-ins on the Home page are Front Page, SiteOrigin Page Builder. I’m not very well versed with all aspects as I just started. Is there a place I can check to find out if there are any other specific plug-ins on the page?

    Thank you for your help,

  9. 4 years, 1 month ago Andrew Misplon
    Hi, I Work Here

    Thanks for the update. I added the Flash Toolkit plugin which provides the widget.

    I don’t have the same content in the rest of my site pulling into this page as you do but on the whole, it looks like the word count is ok on my end. We’ve made a few updates to the Yoast integration that haven’t been released yet. You can try a beta version of the update, I’ve uploaded a copy of Page Builder here. To try this version, go to Plugins, deactivate and delete Page Builder by SiteOrigin. With the ZIP file on your desktop, go to PluginsAdd NewUpload Plugin and then activate. Once activated, edit the page in question, open a widget, click Save then Save the page and check to see if there is a change in the content analysis.

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