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WPML Advanced Translation Editor & Layout Builder Widget…


I’m using PageBuilder by Site Origin from long time and I was thrilled when compatibility with WPML was announced on 1st December 2021, as I’m also an owner of an old-school lifetime no-limits WPML license.

However, my excitement lasted only few days, as I had soon to face this issue: https://wpml.org/it/errata/siteorigin-layout-builder-widget-not-available-for-translation/

So I had to switch back to the old manual translation method, which allows for different layout between translated pages (and that’s something sometimes comes in handy), but at the same time it’s really annoying for most traslations (likely 99% of cases) and becomes frustrating when you have more that 2 languages to translate.

I’ve already asked the WPML team if there’s news on the subject in March, 2022 – however they said no.

So I’m here asking: is there any timeline, project or just will to solve the issue? And, if not, why? Is there any sort of technical limit/difficulties?

I have to admit I still haven’t had a chance to look at the Advanced Translation Editor code requirements to understand why this didn’t happen yet, however I’m sure there’s a way to make stuff work, as it usually happens.

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  1. 1 year, 10 months ago Alex S
    Hi, I Work Here

    Hi frafor,

    The Advanced Translation Editor integration with Page Builder is developed by WPML with support from SiteOrigin. Layout Builders are an entire Page Builder instance so things can become really complicated really quickly. Unfortunately, progress hasn’t been very fast and we’re not really able to provide a timeline. Sorry; I wish we had better news.

    Kind regards,

  2. 1 year, 8 months ago frafor

    Woooow two months passed and I’ve missed your reply, sorry for that.

    It’s unfortunate that there’s no solution for the moment, as both the advanced translation editor is very convenient for translator and editor and using nested Layouts is pretty common.

    I hope things will change with time because on the long run it might become a deal breaker.

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